chapter 24

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You are questioning
what was the reason for my intoxication then tell me,
how I can be intoxicated, when my addiction isn't


As soon her lips touched his , electric impulses seems to flow in his vein rather than blood

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As soon her lips touched his , electric impulses seems to flow in his vein rather than blood . He isn't even able to get situation in his head , when in no seconds she moved back .

He was seeing her with horror in his eyes , his heart was beating as fast as train , it seemed that his heart will come out in no seconds .

He touched his lips in confirmation to believe whatever happened now isn't his day dream but, everything happened is a damn reality.

Karan pov ,

She kissed me ! How ? I mean ? Is she crazy ? Why she do that ? It was my first .

I am so shocked to feel anything , my mind was out of service , the only thing I got that time was those soft petals . So soft , for my dry lips but when she licked my lips , I felt to take her .

I was going to die , my heartbeats were still fast because of that moments . I still don't believe it as reality.

Everything felt like a high voltage electric shock . I'm man , still I was so nervous to even tell her I like her but , she is just unpredictable.

The more I believe to know her , more interesting she became ,after unwrapping her another layer of acrane. I have never expected her to do something like kissing me , when she was the one who said me to stay away from her.

I was searching her , with that man but, he ditched me , trying smart by shouting , so I have to hit his head . I have expected that I have to do more but, thankfully he was an easy task .

After leaving him unconscious , I move inside to find her but , suddenly a thunder struck, which was accompanied by a scream , which definitely belongs to her .

Without any further delay , I ran to every door, to find her , I was so scared about her . I was literally checking every room but even after so much search , she was nowhere .

I almost lost hope of getting her but , when I saw a wardrobe in hall , don't know why my feets took me there . As soon I opened it's door , my heart got calmness .

There she was standing , busy in seeing me with her wide eyes . I was breathing so hard because of running but seeing her safe , I got relief .

I was hell irritated , why she even came here alone , doesn't she was the one who wanted me to stay at her side . But , when she needed me most , she have to be warrior.

I have to confront her . But, as soon I lift my first feet toward her , she became nervous , which really confused me but rather than showing her my confusion , I kept my poker reaction on.

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