Chapter 53 : Glance of Black Diamond

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Loving him ,
I have only wished him
in my prayers ,
Then, why being,
innocent I have became guilty in those eyes which used to be reflection of
my soul.



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Screaming she hurriedly jumped back in fear . Even that pain seems nowhere into her spines which she should have felt after getting her back hit with wall during her little rushed crawl .

It seems her sorrounding wasn't visible to her . Her senses seems in a fear zone while her eyes were stuck on those eyes , which were seeing her with carrying accusations for his dreadful fate , even when life has long gone from them .

Those dried stains of blood on his face , those blood clot on his eye lashes , that lifeless eyes of his , everything about him seems to mock her saying , saw what you did . Today he lost his life because of her . His family's only light got lost in the darkness of her soul .

Those ants moving over his face were eating his dead skin but, she can feel them crawling over her smooth skin . She wants to throw up but nothing was coming up in her throat , afterall she haven't eaten anything from morning due to her anxiety for this day .

Ironically , the very same day which was creeping her out . Her head seems to be in pain , just thinking about the smell, she was disgusting a while before belonged to a half decomposed dead body of man especially that human she once knew .

Her eyesight have already started being blurry with tears while breathes were getting heavy with every passing second . She knew what these symptoms were telling , clearly her phobia of blood was getting triggered but, didn't she recovered ?

She can't be getting them back , could she ? She don't want to go back to her pathetic self . She just can't !

Bringing her knees close to her chest , she hugged herself , attempting to comfort her soul from this dreadful scene were she was nothing but a reason for murder .

She was trying hard to assure herself , this thing have nothing to do with her . She didn't used anyone to be stepping stone for her not Kavin nor her family . She didn't used anyone to be her guinea pig .

Straightening her lips into straight line , she took a deep breath in attempt to calm her panic heart with all the hypothesis , she was giving herself .

She was telling herself , she was never a reason for any bloodshed and also this time it wasn't her . She didn't made kavin to have this dreadful ending , where he had noone to even do funeral for him .

She didn't brought this fate to him . She was never a knock to death door . She wasn't a curse !! She never was !!!

Wiping tears with her shaky palms , she said in her hoarse voice ,

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