chapter 36

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Red roses for me ,
Think once before,
Tying this thread of Love ,
with me.


Soothing aroma of roses had filled the entire atmosphere with a pleasing vibe , wherever gaze  travels in this room , everything was filled with beauty

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Soothing aroma of roses had filled the entire atmosphere with a pleasing vibe , wherever gaze travels in this room , everything was filled with beauty .

Rose petals were shattered on the floor while little fire lamps were brightening on the side of matteress , along with some scented candles around them .

Covered with white sheets , mattress was looking ethereal which is perfectly decorated by roses shattered over it .

While , curtains over it was just adding stars in it's beauty by giving little peeks of inside from it's thin whitish material .

Evening had already downed , and today was literally passed in no time . But , who cares about time when our beauty is still late .

As the scene got moved , there she is seen relaxing in arms of nature . Wrapped in white cloth , sitting with her opened hair on the steps of wide lake .

Her feets were in the water , while smile can be clearly seen on her face . Her fingers were busy in playing with water .

While , her mind seems in someone's thought . Blushing in light shade of pink , she was looking like an angel , who have descended on earth to have a bath in a lake which is full of lotus .

She really seems out of world , and the beauty of her sorrounding wasn't seems any steps behind , while competing with her .

Those hundreds of diyas on stairs with rose petals shattered along them . That thousands of fireflies coming out from their hideout with the arrival of evening seems so intoxicated from her beauty .

Those fireflies seems so mesmerized that , even one firefly sat on her collerbone , making her off guard . Taken by sudden touch , she moved her attention to see the source of touch but ended up smiling after seeing that little living light .

Taking it on her finger , she smiled , while maybe getting satisfied after being reason for beauty's smile , it flies up to join its group , which were flying in her sorrounding .

She was enjoying everything , and why wouldn't , afterall she had planned entire night . And , it's going to be perfect .

Smiling at her thoughts at hundredth time . She was blushing hard , when a voice from back caught her attention , bringing frown over her face .

Voice : you are feeling like a fairy of fairytale . Aren't you ?

Lifting her gaze she saw most unexpected person in front of her eyes . There stood claire Reed all in her glory .

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