chapter 30

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Hey ! Guys . Thanks for voting on previous chapter . Hope , you will continue your love in this chapter .

Also , a good news ! It's 30th chapter , can you believe it ? We made it . It's long , isn't ? A beautiful journey with you all .

I'm a lazy pig , but your love was there which motivate me to pull up everything . So , a big Thanks to all of you .

You can ask me anything ? Something you want to know ?

Too much talks , so , Let's move ahead but there is something more I have wrote for you guys , how is it .

जिस गली का रास्ता कभी मंजिल
तक नहीं जाएगा
वो रास्ता तुम निकले
जानते थे बेमंजिल है , सफर हमारा
फिर भी आँखे बंद कर
तुम्हारी खव्वाहिश में
इन रास्तो पे , तनहा अंजान ही निकले ॥

- पायल

Karan pov ,

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Karan pov ,

Graving herself in my chest, holding me tight , between her arms . she had been crying like hell . Hiding her tears from world , she let those pearls to fall in front of me .

No matter how much I hate her tears , I knew those pearls are important to fall for the survival of her emotions .

I never want to meet that girl , whom I saw today . That robotic unliving statue ! Who was taking every shock as if it doesn't affect her but in reality it was just riping her soul apart .

She showed me her vulnerable side . She trusted me for forgetting her facade , because she thought , I'm not going to judge .

But , irony is that , I was the same man who is going to break her trust in most rediculous way . Tarnishing her heart in name of love . That too for that love which was only from my side .

And , me being fool , thought , I will able to break her but in reality it was always me , who is going to end in pain .

What he can destroy , when there wasn't anything left to destroy . She was an broken angel , waiting for someone to hold her before she fell apart .

But , as always angels are meant for devils , Aren't they ? And here this angel got me . A devil whom she saw beating someone in blood , with his raw hands , when she first saw him . A first experience !

Flirting with her , fighting for no reasons , irritating her to tease her . A bastard who never trusted her , a rich brat who always accused her for those things which she never committed .

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