chapter 22

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Lies you said,
Promises you broke.
Tears I had for those facade,
You gave,
I just wanna be that warrior,
To feel the glory
you felt while killing
my heart !


Kavin's thought,

Raichand palace ! It was far more than what I have heard . So royal even after facing so many things . Don't know what it used to look like when it was alive .

Even though , it seems horric , no one can question the aura it speaks . But, questions is , why she is here and most importantly why she is seeing it with the same gaze , I see kheer.

Wait ! She is also a Raichand . How can I forget , she does not had dual personality but , dual source for wealth were also with her. What a luck !

Maybe , I should go with her , what if she will get impress and give me some rewards but , this palace really seems to be taken by ghosts , what if she will escape while leaving me alone between them.

She had already wanted us for her mission , thankfully karan denied . Don't take me wrong , I really felt bad about her but I don't want to have any danger around my only life.

It will be better , if I take my leave . I think , I should atleast ask her about leaving with me , even though I know , she will refuse . Well ! It doesn't matter , these days, I'm kind in love with my sleep , and today It's already seems to rain .

Enough , I have already thought too much . Now brake kavin , stress will cause whitening of your hairs. So, stop and just ask her.

Kavin : Are you going inside?

Listening him , she turned to saw him and with raising her one brow she answered,

Teja : ya !

Kavin : so, do you want..

Teja : No !

Kavin : ehh!

Seeing him , confused she moved her attention back on the palace and said,

Teja : you can go , I will take care of things .

Listening her, he rolled his eyes , why he always hell bent to make himself insulted by others. Don't he have self respect. Whatever ! Hope you enjoy your company with ghost.

As soon his thought completed , he turned to open gate of his car but turned after hearing her words.

Teja: kavin !

He was already irritated and now what more she wants . In his frustration , he hit the car gate back to it's place and turned to yell at her,

Kavin: now what !

Teja : Actually ,

She was saying but suddenly started bending down , her work really confused her but , when she took out a small knife , from the slash which were on her ankles , his eyes became wide.

While , she was moving her fingers over blade of knife , admiring it's sharpness . He was cursing himself for losing his cool.

But , her words got his attention which she said without even giving a single glance to him.

Teja : Isn't it beautiful ?

Listening her , he gulp his saliva , Ofcourse if it doesn't slit my throat.

Kavin : It is.

Teja : But, do you know this kind of them were more famous for their sharpness rather than beauty .

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