chapter 12

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Why the one
who is close to heart,
Always become the one
Who rips it


Pranjal's letter ! How it can be possible? when it reached here ? and if he was here , why didn't he showed up

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Pranjal's letter ! How it can be possible? when it reached here ? and if he was here , why didn't he showed up . Does it mean ? He really didn't wanted to marry me?

She was so shocked , after seeing his letter in front of her . There are hundreds of questions running in her brain , but don't know where their answers are. Maybe this letter will tell something.

Teja: what if this letter have something , which is going to change everything ?

What if after this , I had nothing left with me?

Or what if I will lose him!

Saying so, she lift her eyes to see her reflection in the front mirror.

I don't have any option, I still have to read it anyway , then why don't now.

Thinking so, she closed her eyes , and took a deep breath, only to open them to read that letter with her shaky hands, hoping for her trust to be true.

It's his handwriting! So, He was really here!

sorry ! I don't even know if I'm worth of calling you that. Today I have lost everything. Most importantly every right of calling you mine.

Destiny is really something , nobody knows what it have for you . You hoped to get many things , but at the end it has nothing for you. See ! This doctor is now a poet. Insane, na!

His words are making her beats to race hundred times faster than horses in the race , she can even listen a single beat from her heart in the heavy silence. Her every inch seems to be calm , but she knows what Strom is going between her.

Pranjal words are never of no means. He only puzzle his talks, when he is going to tell something , which is going to hurt anyone . And, this time his letter shows , I'm the one who is going to hurt. But, how can he hurt me?

I know , you are still reading this letter , after what I had done with you. That's why you are the whom I lov.. I admired. I left you , at your most important day , when you will be waiting for me on the aisle , under the veil, in the snowy white gown , looking most beautiful lady of the world , between the hundred people welcomed by beautiful music, waiting for me.

she chuckled between her teary eyes , and said, even when she knew noone is here to listen her,

If you knew , then why don't you showed up ? You remember how beautiful I can be on my wedding but, forget how bad I will feel, when my groom will not show up.

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