chapter 46

481 51 19

Standing in this moon light ,
When everyone is busy in
gazing , night filled with star sights,
I'm admiring your gazes ,
Trying to find me ,
Between hundred
Smiles ..


Risabh : Om ! Om raichand ?

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Risabh : Om ! Om raichand ?

He was so shocked , literally his senses went on holidays , that too without giving any prior notice to him .

While , his heart was beating abnormally slow , but not giving any damn about his inner turmoils , carle passed between crowds , only to go disappeared from everyone's sight .

But , Risabh was too taken by his thoughts to notice his departure , his senses were too numb to even react .

The only thoughts running in his mind were , How carle know about om ?

How he knows so much about him , isn't he was living a secretive life , even his father knew nothing about his work , then how he ?

And , why he said , om is asking him to leave , 'W' , isn't he dead ?

Why so many questions are there , this man have made me so confused ?

He was frustrated from the intensity of his own damn thoughts , irritatedly he asked ,

Risabh : What is happening ? Carle !

He was questioning him but ,the next second he realised , he was talking to air , as that man was nowhere near his sights .

"Shit ! Now , where the hell , he went ? "

He felt like, he is going to die with these frustration , taking a deep breath , he tried to calm his senses , and said ,

" No ! I can't let him escape . I have to find him ? He must knew something , which is still a secret to me . "

Saying so , he walked in the crowd with quick steps to find , the source who have turned his mind with so many questions .

While , on the other hand , when both risabh and carle were busy in talking , Akul and claire were having their own scenario .

As soon the music ended , taking the hall with the sounds of loud claps and compliments , Akul had pulled claire with him .

Even though she was taken by his sudden act but he was unbothered , while people were too busy in seeing live romantic movie of Teja and karan to notice them .

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