chapter 3

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If you think,
love is only about
Make out and kisses,
Believe me,
you haven't meet


Teja's pov,

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Teja's pov,

I was still seeing her , but she isn't making any move . For god sake , I can't always stay like this. It would be better if I ask her, as I don't think she will.

" Excuse me ! Do you need anything ?"

" Answer ?"

" Believe me ! I'm not a teacher to answer . "

" I know that."

" Then , why are you still here ? "

Listening me , she rolled her eyes, maybe enough irritated to move away from my way . But , such a stubborn head.

Girl : I want my answers.

Teja: And I'm saying politely . I haven't taken any.

Getting irritated from her, she said,

Girl: Ahh ! Have you really dropped your brain somewhere, or just planning to eat mine .

Listening her , she laughed ofcourse in her heart and whispered to herself,

Teja: For eating , First you should have it .

Girl: Do you said something?

Teja: Nothing. Let's come on point. What you want from me.

Girl: you are saying as if you don't know anything .

Teja: Okay . But, I can't see , where's the question ? I don't able to see any textbook with you . Is it invisible , baby girl ?

Girl : Aren't you trying to be smart .

Teja: If you are thinking so, then I must be the one. Afterall a beautiful girl like you , can't be wronged, isn't?

Listening my praises , even her gang try to control their laugh . A bunch of fake friends. When these people will get to know who are after them or their money. Maybe I'm thinking too much, it will be better if I will able to get rid from her.

Girl: If so , then why don't we check your smartness , miss Frank.

Teja: ya, you can but for questioning me, I think you have to do some homework, so first do that, then we will see about it.

Saying so, I forcefully took my bag from her grip , and forwarded my feets to move out, but she put her legs on the door. Is she trying to showoff her long legs. I know I'm not that tall, but it's not my fault. They are just bunch of coconut trees. She is really checking my patience.

Maybe she is here for fighting , then I'm also ready , afterall I had already sent for punishment on my first day , it will be nothing loss in adding one more deed in list, they aren't going to punish me twice , are they?

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