chapter 17

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Every soap opera's story Starts
from hate and end to love,
Hope mine life,
could be same,
Atleast I got love in end ,
rather than being a love to hate thing !


In Teja's thoughts,

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In Teja's thoughts,

O god ! Let this land spilt , and allow it to engulf me . I was just little teasing him but, this shameless creature ! I mean how can he say about that thing , that too in front of everyone .

Teja ! Are you insane ? He can't even say those things , even when he is alone with you .

This man ! Because of him . I have to face embrassment , and see the irony . I have to hide my face in him , atleast I can't let him to see my tomato red cheeks . No matter what ! He can't win over me .

But, His heartbeats are indeed seems nice to listen . Calm yet fast . Noisy still calm.

what the hell , when you have listen another person's heartbeats, so how could you know his is better .Teja ! You are getting insane !

But, it isn't entire my fault , it's normal to feel about your opposite gender. Also his body seems pretty nice .

What no fault ! You can control yourself . Are you forgetting , deal .

Exactly ! When does I become so horny . Oh god ! I can't be like this . How can I think about a man's phisque. Even though his chest ... Ahh!

Just stop it , and close your eyes , as long you don't see him . His beautiful face don't come in your way .

Don't let this man to break your limits , you are professional, no body can divert you . Not even a greek god like handsome face . Got it !

You are right , I have to close my eyes . Otherwise don't know , what things will I do with him . Even though , I never noticed his features but , he is damn good to go unnoticed by anyone .

Teja !

As soon her , inner self's words got completed . She closed her eyes , but as soon she does that , karan's face came in front of his eyes .

His messed wet black hair , just falling slightly over his eyes , giving way for those browns to see her with predatory gaze. His sharp chin , and perfect lips having a mischievous smile over them .

Perfect abes , open buttons of his white shirt is just giving perfect view of his six pack. Such a gorgeous man he is .

She is seeing him , Even though it's literally like checking out. But, her eyes got wide and with her timid gaze , when she saw him coming closer and stopping in front of her making her to gulp her saliva.

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