chapter 16

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Forever we gonna to remain
You used to say me,
Then, What happened
that I become the last thing ,
you want to
stay with.


Karan's thoughts,

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Karan's thoughts,

Revenge ! But, why ? Her words were revolving in my mind . Does what she said is true , she want revenge but why ? Does she really believed that blast was to murder her parents.

I know I married her to save my family from disgrace , and get revenge for what her father said about my sister . But, things are changed now , he is no longer alive , and holding anything against him will be cruel.

I don't have any motive to stay in this marriage but , I even don't want to left her alone , when she had noone at her side.

I had been already in love , and I know how it is . Even it's not that she loves me , I can't let her to bound with me , Afterall she don't have anything for me , nor I had. She had already given me my choices, which already clears her motive but , the thing is if I really want this !

He was in his thoughts , when her voice gained his attention.

Teja: Don't be confused , it's a long story behind this all .

Karan: Then , enlighten me .

Teja: let's do that in palace. I don't want to disturb anyone who is here. Let them rest in peace.

Karan: hmm . Just Wait for a minute.

Saying so , he turned and kneeled in front of Mr and Mrs Frank grave. While joining his hands and with bowing head , he closed his eyes , and said in his heart.

Karan thought,

I'm not good in expressing my thoughts , maybe that's why your daughter call me an ice berg. I'm angry , very angry from you , about , What you said about my sister .

She is my little princess but , a stupid girl . I loved her , my little sister , she is no longer here but , her matter really triggers my nerves .

I forgave you for her . Afterall you can directly ask her there . I'm sure she will forgive you.

I don't know about our marriage , but I think I can promise you , as long she want me at her side , I will be there for her.

I don't know , if it will be as friend or enemy but sorry I can't be her husband . I can't give her those happiness , my love is only for one person , and It's going to be forever . My first is going to be my last.

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