chapter 7

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I will to be your star,
if you are,
Willing to be my


He is kavin!!!!

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He is kavin!!!!

Listening voice , both came out from their world , and karan ran away from her to every corner of room , so that he can hide . Sometimes behind the curtain , and sometimes in wardrobe but seems that in his big room there is no place to hide.

While, Teja was seeing him like if he had left his brain somewhere , or maybe he never had a one. Listening the voice getting louder , she realize ,she don't have time to see his foolishness. So she moved toward him,

Teja: Hey ! What are you doing?

Karan: Don't say you can't even see .

Teja: ofcourse I can. I'm just asking , why are you jumping in room like a frog .

Listening her saying him frog , he stopped, and came in front of her,

Karan: what you said ?

Teja: I said, what you have heard.

Karan: Don't you think your tongue is very sharp.

Teja: I already knew that, tell me something , I don't know. I can even cut fruits without knife. Wanna trial ?

Karan: ofcourse, you can. Afterall this is the only work which can suit your personality.

They were arguing when Kavin's voice from back stopped them,

Voice: karan ! Are you there? Damn it ! Answer me! that witch is here. We can't handle her alone. Karan!

Listening witch , Teja's eyes became bigger, while karan curse kavin in his heart , for always having a bad timing. But, what can he do when , Tigress is already triggered.

And, now she is moving toward him ,if he is his prey while he was moving back. She only stopped when he fell on sofa , after getting bumped into it's foot but before he can able to stand , she kept her hands on his either side. And , now Mr karan sisodia is caged between sofa and her.

Teja: whom he is saying , witch?

Karan: How can I know? I'm not the one who is saying?

Teja: Really! Then why your tone is coming like that.

Karan: what's your problem ? He is on door and want to see me ?

After Listening him , taking a deep breath , she stood straight and said ,

Teja: And where do you think you are ?

Karan: Ofcourse in my room.

Listening his answer she raised her one brow, which made him realized that he is hiding in his own room.

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