chapter 39

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Stop ! attempts of controling this ,
Cause ,
we both know ,
How uncontrollable these feelings are ,
As ,Even after staying away for years ,
We still see each other as some incomplete chapters of
Our life book..


Karan : Because , I love you !!

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Karan : Because , I love you !!

Teja pov ,

I don't know but , my heart still skipped for him . Those words for what my ears were waiting , are here . The same night , I imagined to be confession of our love , turned true .

This night of dreams is here !

Even though conditions are different but , it still felt beautiful . My heart beats were too loud , to get unheard by anyone in this silent weather . Winds have risen but rather than cold , I'm feeling warm .

Those sounds of wind , when they pass between the space of leaves were loud , but I can still feel this silence . This peace !

My hands have turned sweaty , those hurt , anger and disappointments , I had a while before , were fading away . Those chains of remorse were breaking away .

His confessions had turned my every senses with enthusiasm , my heart was pounding too loud , it felt like , as if it will come out , from my chest .

I just wants to hop over him , and yell , how much I have waited . How stupid he was to make me this vulnerable .

But , questions is can I ? Does whatever he said is true ? Or, it's just my feelings are too eager for their happy endings . That , they are even ready to ignore , whether it's a act or not .

Is my soul really tired of this loneliness , that's why , it's falling for him or is it because his feelings are true , which are making me to stop even after several turns .

I don't know if , I can trust him or not . I used to love him and still do but trust ? I don't even know , if I'm sure . What if this is a another lie .

But , why will he lie ? I don't have anything to lose , so does it means , he really loves me ?

A light smile curved over her lips , with those thoughts . She is going to say something but before words can left from her mouth , he cut her , maybe because he had bended his head and can't see her saying something.

Karan : I love you ! And , it's not from today . From the first time, I saw you , you never left my eyes . It's different , I don't know if it was love or not ?

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