Chapter 52

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Walking through these
lonely roads,
I have long forgotten
those hands which used to meet mine,
Then , why after a decade of separation,
I'm getting these warmness in coldness of these silent arrays ,
when I know the place
where you exist is
far away from
my universe.


Night have already reached it's peak , and like every month of January , it's little more colder than other months of winter but less colder than it's other days , as Feburary is soon to enter

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Night have already reached it's peak , and like every month of January , it's little more colder than other months of winter but less colder than it's other days , as Feburary is soon to enter .

Winds were sizzling enough to pass chills down through one's spine , still they were making those to yearn more for it's touch who got it's solace .

Today, there isn't even much fog restricting the view of those numerous stars which have filled the vast dark sky with their lights . It's just some clouds were being mischievous forcing moon to hide behind them , as they move with the pace of breezes .

Accompanied by a full moon which was trying hard to emit it's moonlight in every chance it got from those cloud , this night seems too beautiful to meet .

Rain which have happened a day before , had already given rise to hundred of fireflies , which were now busy in flying without any destination, and unknowingly making their surroundings to get filled with little shimmers of their golden lights .

While, the lake ahead was being a mirror, reflecting every piece with perfection, as if it want to claim it's world is as beautiful as up , even when it's nothing but a facade of reality . A reflection of beautiful scenery .

Hustles were still going on inside but this backyard seems quite different from inside . It was calm and filled with peace and not to forget aesthetically beautiful nature .

But , between these chilly winds and beautiful scenery , someone was there , adding a beautiful elegance of her presence without even trying .

Standing below the flowered tree , whose leafy pink flowers were falling down with the effect of wind , she seems perfectly beautiful under those showers of petals and mini lanterns of fireflies , especially that lake of stars which was lying few steps ahead from her .

Seeing this beauty standing under the glory of nature, anyone can hear skip of their heart but that beauty standing there seems to have a prick in her heart .

Ruffles of her gorgeous sky green gown seems to be played by breezes , while her long hairs were dancing under them .

Involuntary her things were enjoying the wonderful night , but she was in pain , afterall this night is same like that night of pleasing mistakes .

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