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I fought to keep my eyes open as they constantly threatened to close. "One more episode" I mumbled as I slowly picked up the remote to continue my show.

I re-burritoed and continued to stare blankly at the screen. My phone buzzed under me and I ignored it.

The buzzing turned into ringing and I closed my eyes.

"You gonna get that?" My eyes shot open as I jumped up and faced my hallway.

My shoulders and face dropped in disbelief. "What?" Grayson smiled at me as he approached me.

"Why are you in my..." he cupped my face in his hands, his eyes low as he examined me. He scanned over my face, his eyes looking as if he was looking for something but found too many things to distract him.

"You look tired, flower." He said lowly before slowly leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

His kiss was soft and passionate as his lips wrestled mine into submission. My hands glided up and to his sides, basking in his warm, smooth skin. My mouth opened slightly as his tongue slithered in and greeted mine.

The kiss, still as sweet as before, began to roughen. "So short." He murmured into my mouth as his hands slid under my thighs and right below my ass, lifting me into his front and lowering himself onto the couch.

My questions and confusion disappeared as I continued to melt and disappear into his soothing and love-filled kiss.

His arms wrapped around my waist, securing me in his lap. My hands cupped his cheeks gently despite wanting to grab onto him and never let go.

Our lips clicked as he pulled away slowly, revealing his sly smile. "I lo-"

My eyes shot open as my alarm blared in my ears.

I stared at the ceiling as I thought about the dream I had.

...the wet dream I just had.

I continued with my day, the dream leaving my mind as soon as I burnt myself earlier trying to get my toast out of the oven.

"Serena Papillo." I continued setting up the bar as I waited for him to finish his sentence. "Hey." He snaps in my face causing me to stop.

"Can't use hear me?" I looked up to see the tall blonde man, a smile holding on his face.

"What?" I said softly, with zero attitude at all.

His face scrunched up at my words and he hummed. "Let's try that again." My jaw clenched slightly. "Serena Papillo."

"Yes, sir?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Great! So much better, ma wants you to hand out checks for her today, she is leaving early." I nodded and I went back to what I was doing. He stood there for a moment, a slightly upset and puzzled look on his face.

When he walked away I took a deep breath.

He doesn't even work here, his mom just owns the place and she doesn't even want him here. He flirts all night with people who obviously don't want to talk to him and he drinks the supply.

"He doesn't tip either." I slapped my hand over my mouth as I looked around. "Gotta stop doing that."

I took a swig from the brown bottle as I watched Marcus move swiftly from the corner of my eye.

"You're really not gonna help man?" I shook my head and swallowed, my eyes never moving from the TV.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead as he pushed his hair back. "I know she fucked up but I think this is more of a punishment for me right now." I stared up at him blankly.

He sighed as he stepped towards me, sitting next to me on the couch. "You gotta forgive her man...she's crushed."

I continued to sip my beer, not even trying to understand what he was saying or how he sees it. I honestly don't give a fuck.

"She- I'm not asking you to get back with her, just talk to her ya know? Comfort her."

"For what." My tone was intentionally harsh and cold. My body tightened at the thought of her face.

"Everybody makes mistakes man."

"Not me."

I stood up and walked to the door. "You can come get the rest tomorrow or I'm burning it but right now, you gotta go." I stared down at him as he stood up slowly, regret and a twinge of fear on his face.

He hesitantly patted my bicep before walking away and out of my house.

I pushed the door close gently despite wanting to punch a hole through it.

I need a drink.

I took a seat off center of the bar. That girl was here again.

Does she work here every night or something? How would I know, I'm not here every night.

"What can I get you?" She looked tired. More tired than she was when we met last time and when I saw her at the station.


She stared at me for a minute.

"You want straight rum?" I paused.

"Yea" she shrugged and turned to pull a bottle off the shelf. I watched as she swiftly but carefully poured my drink into the glass she wasn't even looking at.

She pushed the glass towards me with the tips of her fingers before moving on to the next customer.

She didn't even attempt to make conversation this time. It doesn't bother me enough to say somethin' but it does bother me more than it should.

I don't know her. High school or not, I don't know her and I don't need to meet any more people right now.

I slowly sipped my drink as I thought about nothing. My mind was blank and I wasn't thinking about anything.

My nonexistent thoughts were interrupted when she leaned over the bar, her tired eyes and bags more visible under the dimmed yellow light.

"What's wrong, Grayson." She said my name so casually it caused shivers to run up and down my spine. My hand slightly gripped my glass tighter as I replayed the smooth words that came from her lips.

"Dunno if it's the rum or what but you always look sad."

"The rum is definitely not the problem." I placed my glass down and she swiftly refilled it. "Thanks." She smiled slightly as she continued to wait for me to say something.

"Well, if you don't want to tell me, can I tell you something?" I didn't move but she shrugged before leaning in, her face only a couple of inches from my ear.

"I really fuckin' hate my boss's son." Her voice changed as she spoke. Deeper, smoother, and more sensual than the calm and upbeat tone she displayed before.

"Why is that?" She sighed and looked off to the side, noticing a customer and walking in that direction.

I finished my drink and pushed it to my side as I waited for her to come back.

She came back and explained to me her reasoning, occasionally leaving to do her job, and I couldn't help but begin to feel upset for her.

Who the fuck has a power trip somewhere he doesn't even work?

Her passion and the way she pronounces "fucker" almost makes me want to laugh.

I guess she could tell I was getting upset or that I wanted to laugh because she stopped and smiled at me.

"See. I knew I could change that sad expression. Power of talking too much." She smiled before slightly laughing at herself and moving away from me.

She later came back, another woman behind her and a coat in her hand. I watched as she picked some things up and walked around towards me.

She gently grabbed my wrist and drug me from my seat. "Come on,   Sad boy. We have got places to be before you forget to like me later."

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