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I giggled lightly as Grayson spun me around his finger. His eyes lit up at the sight of my smile only making me smile more.

I inhaled his cologne as he pulled me back in, my body hitting his chest as I looked up at him.

"Who would've thought you could dance sir Grayson." I smiled as he rolled his eyes slightly.

"Don't underestimate me, Serena," he leaned down low to my ear, our feet continuing to move in sync. "I can do a lot of things that you wouldn't believe."

His breath was warm against my ear, a comforting feeling flooding my body despite his seductive words. "Oh, yea?" I mumbled back, my brain saturated with pure comfort from his voice and touch.

He hummed, pressing my body closer.

I closed my eyes slowly as I leaned farther into him if that was even possible. "Why don't you show me, Grayson."

I don't know why I said what I said but I did. For some reason, I felt like I just could or maybe I wanted something I didn't know I wanted.

His breath hitched as he stiffened, his hands clawing into my waist.

"Don't tempt me, Serena." His voice was hollow as if he was angry.

I hummed as I pressed my ear to his chest.

"Grayson," I sang quietly "it almost sounds like you're just talking...I asked you to show me."

I almost instantly regretted my words when he drug me off through the crowd. His hand was tight on mine as he led me down a desolate hallway, the lights dim and the only sound is the echo of our shoes.

I looked around the still beautifully decorated hallway despite its isolation. My head almost spinning from the slight adrenaline I felt.

He pulled me into a small room that was revealed to be a bathroom once he turned the light on.

He lifted me onto the counter, his eyes seeming dull as they burned with passion. His hands trailed down my dress as I watched him try and control his shallow and ragged breathing.

"Serena," He murmured, his eyes avoiding mine as he continued to outline my body through the dress. "Can I kiss you?"

I tilted my head slightly, my slight dizziness making me confused about why he was asking. Then I realized I've never kissed him despite the countless times we've been close to doing it, we've never kissed.

"Of course."

He leaned in, pushing my body against the large mirror behind me.

"I love you." He murmured before pressing his lips gently onto mine, his tongue gliding across my lips until entering my mouth.

That gentleness from his soft lips and smooth tongue felt sweet. It provided the same feeling as eating your favorite food, an excitement that satisfied my body and mind.

His gentle and sweet kiss slowly turned into a passionate and hungry kiss as if he was comfortable now and knew every corner and crease of my lips.

My head continued to spin as he breathed harshly, his chest slowly going out as he held onto my body, his fingers twiddled against my dress.

"Serena," he groaned, his lips moving from my mouth and down my cheek toward my neck.

"Grayson." I breathed, my hands sliding up his back and towards his neck, holding it entirely in my palm.

"Pull your dress up." He demanded, his lips never moving from my neck.

I, without hesitation, did what he asked.

I pressed my lips together as his tongue cupped my skin into his mouth. I continued to hold my dress up as his hands glided down my stomach, stopping right before the lining of my panties.

"Grayson," I gasped slight panic in my voice, my hand grabbing his wrist.

I didn't want him to stop but the buzzing in my head was making me feel strange. It felt too good for me to handle.

He picked his head up, his dull eyes staring back at me. "Do you want me to stop, Serena?" His hand moved to hold my neck in his hand, his thumb moving in a circular motion.

I stared at him, searching for any reason to tell him to stop, anything in his eyes that hinted at him not having good intentions. Despite his slightly red scrapes and almost emotionless eyes, I found nothing. Not one reason for me to tell him to stop or for me not to want to go further.

"No," I murmured.

"Serena," his hands cupped my cheeks as he stared directly at me. "You can tell me to stop whenever you want, ok?" I nodded and he sighed, his eyes almost turning back to normal.

"Ok," I said softly.

He hummed as he leaned in, pressing his lips gently against mine.

But just as soon as it stopped, it started again as if there was never a pause.

His hand dipped into my panties, a gasp escaping my lips as he held me against the mirror, his hands rubbing circles into my button.

"Gray-Grayson." I stuttered, squeezing my eyes shut.

He hummed as he held my neck with his other hand, pressing loving kisses on my cheek.

His fingers dipped inside of me, my stomach tightening as the pleasure rippled through my body. At first, it was slow, gradually increasing in pressure and speed.

I held onto his neck as I pressed my face against his, him continuing to peck at the side of my face.

"Moan for me, flower."

I whimpered as he allowed another finger inside of me.

"That's not enough. You have to tell me how you feel or I'll stop." He whispered into my ear, his breath tickling against me.

"No... I don't want-" I hiccuped.

"You don't want what? Tell me, flower." His head dipped down, his tongue gliding from my shoulder up to my ear in a slow and controlled motion.

My back arched as my eyes rolled to the back of my head, a pained moan escaping my throat.

"I don't want you to stop." I whimpered, my hand tightening as my legs shook against the counter.

"Good girl, that's a good Serena."

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