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Remember when I said we did everything in silence? Yea well there was one thing we could not keep silent.

"Don't," I murmured, my hand grabbing at his wrist as it traveled under the bottom of my sundress.

"Do you mean that?" He mumbled against my neck, his teeth grazing along my skin and his warm breath sending goosebumps across my skin. 

My grip on his wrist loosened as his lips resumed sucking on my skin. "Tell me, Flower, or I'll stop."

I groaned lightly, a hunger growing in my stomach that only drove my urges and I'm sure were feeding his.

"We'll get caught..." he chuckled against my skin before lifting his head and looking at me. His eyes were low and deep as if they were clouded by something darker than him.

His fingers wrapped around my thighs as they pressed me down to the counter, his eyes doing the same, my body unable to move under their gaze.

"Flower, as long as you stay quiet, we won't."

My face softened as I thought about the consequences of my actions, his deep glare making it difficult to even think.

"...ok..." I murmured, my gaze lowering to the sinister smirk resting on his lips. The one that always made me regret saying yes.

He leaned in slowly, silently making sure I really wanted to, the slight quiver in his lips being my warning that I always take too lightly. Our lips connected, the sweet taste of lemonade on his lips gliding across mine as his tongue slowly brushed against mine. His hands traveled down my body and under my sundress as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held myself close.

My heart skipped a beat as his fingers slowly entered me and began pumping in and out slowly, continuing to keep pressure on my spot.

I watched as he watched me, his eyes dark as his eyelashes cast an even darker shadow. His hair fell across his face as he directed his attention down to the soaking area between my legs.

"You're so beautiful." He murmured.

I pressed my lips together, holding back my moans as his fingers slipped out of me.

"Don't do it, Grayson." I sighed, a smile forming on his lips as he got down on his knees in front of me. I whimpered as he pushed my legs open wider, his eyes never leaving mine. "Grayson..."

He hummed as his face inched closer to my slit.

"I love you, Serena."

I gasped, my hand slamming over my mouth as the tip of his tongue entered me, the thicker part pressing against my clit. His tongue moved in jittered motions as it continued to firmly press against me.

His tongue always felt longer than it really was and I will never understand it.

"How do you-" I gasped as his tongue moved in and out of me, my hands gripping onto his shirt as I tried to choke my voice down. "I'm cum- fuck." I groaned as I squinted my eyes shut and my body began shaking slightly.

"Good flower." He stared up at me as his hands pushed up my dress and toward my waist. "You look so beautiful."

"Shut up." I breathed out, my stomach tightening as I felt him smile against me.

"Are you ready?"


He chuckled as he stood up, pressing the brick in his pants against me.

I gently pushed against his stomach as I continued to try to catch my breath. "You'll mess your pants up, Grayson." I glanced up at him, almost nervous to meet his gaze again.

He hummed as he smiled and bent down. "No, I won't." He pressed his lips roughly against mine, his teeth slightly grazing across my lips as he resisted the urge to bite at them. I moaned lightly as he kneaded at my waist and I tasted myself on his lips.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded and he pressed a gentle kiss into my cheek.

"Say it, Flower. Tell me you want me."

My breath hitched in my throat as he continued to kiss along my jaw and toward my ear.

I held onto the sleeve of his shirt as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the loving feel of his lips against my skin. Despite his rough and passionate...sex, it's always filled with love and I think that's why, despite my years of never craving for it, I always say yes.

"I want you."

He paused, his energy almost changing completely.

"Good, Flower."

I swallowed hard as I listened to the sound of his belt unbuckling slowly. The tips of my fingers pressed gently against his stomach as I thought about what was about to happen.

He leaned down toward my neck, his hands planted on the counter beside me, holding me in. "I love you, Serena."

I gasped as he entered me, his hand squeezing at my waist as he pulled me toward him.

"Fuck, how much-"

"You know how much is in, Serena. You feel it."

I held onto his sides as I watched him continue to enter me, the twitching inside of me hitting all the right spots.

"Grayson-" I whimpered.

"Don't cum yet," he groaned as his head dropped onto my neck. "I haven't even started yet..."

I moaned slightly, my throat burning from trying to stay quiet. "Please..." I whimpered into his ear, a mistake I make every time.

My legs shook as my core tensed up at the feeling of him tensing up inside of me. His fingers dug into my waist as he slid me forward and began pumping slowly.

His breathing was ragged as he watched himself enter me only halfway before pulling himself back out. I watched as his eyes didn't miss a beat, moving with every movement he made as I shuttered beneath him. The hungry look spread across his face made the dissatisfied feeling inside of me growl in an unconscious attempt to match his.

I felt myself tighten around him and I watched as his chest bounced slower and with more tension than before.

"Fuck." He groaned as he lifted me and flipped me over into my stomach, never removing me from him. "I told you not to do that anymore." He murmured before pressing a kiss into my neck.

One hand held onto my hip as the other grabbed at the back of my neck, holding my head down. He picked up his pace and this time brought himself fully into me.

I gasped at his stiffness, my eyes squeezing shut as he swiftly pumped in and out roughly. I listened as he lightly groaned and swore under his breath, each time his grip on my body got tighter.

"You feel so good..." he groaned.

My hand grabbed at the buttons on his shirt as I tried to pull him in more despite reaching my limit.

He moved his hand from my neck and lifted my thigh onto the counter as he continued to thrust his hips into mine.

"It's too loud." I moaned, the sound of our skin meeting echoing through the small bathroom.

He pulled me up by my neck, his hand decorating my neck as he placed breathy kisses onto my jaw. I wrapped my hand up and around his neck as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I released onto him once again.

"Shit, I'm cumming." He forced my head to the side as he pressed his lips roughly into mine.

We moaned into each other's mouths as he released inside of me, a warm feeling spreading through my entire body.

"I love you" I whimpered "I love you so much."

He hummed as he tried to catch his breath, letting my leg down from his hand.

"I know you do, Flower."

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