Returning To Hawkins

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before we get started please make sure you have read the whole description that was included. There is very mature themes in this story and I do not need people saying "there was no warning." when they specifically was in the description.


I wake up to birds chirping, light raindrops on my window, and my radio playing a soft tune.

It is Tuesday , aka the first day of the school year. I get out from under my covers and go to my wardrobe to get dressed. I end up just throwing on a band tee and a pair of black ripped jeans. I quickly go to the restroom and do my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, and putting deodorant on.

"Y/N are you awake up there?" My mother calls from the stairs.

"yes mother, I will be down right away." I call back.

I grab my bookbag and rush down the stairs to see Nancy, Mike, and my mother all sitting at the dining table waiting for me so we could eat breakfast. Nancy looks up at me and smiles. Mike is playing with the food on his plate.

"Morning Y/N" Nancy smiles.

"Morning Nance." I sit down at the table.

"Are you ready for your first day at Hawkins?" Mom asks.

"technically its not my first time there. I just left and came back" I take a bite of the eggs on my plate.

"That's true. Does Chrissy and Jason know your back?" Mom questions.

"Nope. Gonna surprise them at school." I take a sip of my juice.

"Why are you friends with Jason again? He is a complete douche." Mike blurts out.

"Michael Language. You're 14 years old." Mother scolds him.

"Jason is kinda disrespectful Y/N. Please be careful around him." Mom says while picking the table up.

"Since when have you cared about my life?" I roll my eyes and then exit the house.

When I get outside I see a car pull up in front of me. It's Robin Buckley, were really close. She is one of the people I stayed in contact with when I moved to California. She is the well known lesbian of Hawkins Indiana. Is that a problem to me? of course not. I support the community and I may or may not be part of it myself. I walk over to the car she is driving and stare at it.

"What?" Robin asks.

"Where did you get this car?" I ask knowing damn well she doesn't have one.

"Steve let me borrow it to get to school." She taps her fingers along the wheel.

"Oh. Well lets just get going. be careful especially since you don't have a license." I open the door and climb into the car with a worried face.

Steve Harrington. He graduated last year and works at the video store with robin. They used to work at scoops ahoy but they got fired because Steve always tried flirting with the girls and Robin kept swearing at the creeps who came in. Which I mean I would cuss them out too, who wouldn't? Anyway Steve and I used to be close, really close. We used to date but broke up the year before I left for California. Then he went off and started dating my sister Nancy but that ended after a year and 4 months. Haven't spoke to him since then, he still tries to contact me to this day. I just keep blocking him though.

"We are here. you ready?" Robin rolls the windows up and takes the keys out.

"Yep, Sucks we only have 2 periods together out of the 6." I put my chapstick in my back pocket.

"Yea it does, but better than nothing." She smiles.

We both walk off to our first class, I have Gym and Robin has English. I quickly walk to the gymnasium and go into the changing rooms to get into my gym clothes. I spot Chrissy Cunningham exiting the gym lockers after I finish and I rush towards her.

"Chrissy!" I yell.

"huh?" she twirls around and her mouth drops.

"No way. Y/N? your back!" She runs to hug me.

"Yes! My mom made me come back for the last 2 years of high school." I roll my eyes.

"Is that such a bad thing?" She laughs.

"Yes! I don't get along with my parents. you know this!" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Well I mean look at the bright side, you have Jason and I." she smiles.

"Yea Yea." I smile with her.

I turn around and see Jason staring at me from across the gym. He starts jogging over and I step next to Chrissy. He is wearing a plain white tee and gym shorts. He walks in front of me with a slight smile.

"hm I see you came back." He shifts on his feet.

"Had no choice." I roll my eyes.

"how you been?" he asks.

"fine I guess. you doing basketball again this year?" I ask.

"course I am. I'm the best they got. Chrissy is doing cheer again as well." He looks at her.

"Yea.. oh! Y/N you should join the cheer squad with me!" She begs.

"I don't know.." I look at her as she stares at me with puppy dog eyes.

"you should. you would look great in that uniform." Jason playfully says.

"right right. fine. only because I don't want Chrissy to be alone." I smile.

I walk over to the gym teacher and let them know I would like to sign up for cheerleading. I give them my name, my grade, my number, and what abilities I can do. They grab their pen and write each and every detail on the sheet and put it in a basket with a couple other similar papers. I look over at Chrissy who is smiling and happy with the fact that I actually signed up. Class starts a bit after that. They have us run laps around the track for today. That's my least favorite thing to do. Once the bell rings I continue out the day until lunch comes around.

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