Meeting The "Freak"

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The bell finally rings for Lunch, I scoop my supplies into my bag and hurry out into the dining hall. I look around not sure where exactly to sit. I don't see Chrissy or Jason at all so now I really have to figure something out. I notice my younger brother Mike waving at me to come over to him. I walk over to see what's up.

"Hey, sis. Need somewhere to sit?" He asks.

"I guess so." I look around.

"why don't you sit with my dnd group?" He suggests.

"Oh god no. I want no part of that." I shake my head.

"we don't talk about dnd at the table, it will be fun!" He pleads.

"fine. only because that's my last resort." I walk over to the table with him.

The first person I notice is Dustin Henderson. He's one of my brothers best friends since childhood. They grew up together and do everything together. Dustin is a sweet kid, he never does anything wrong. I also notice 2 guys wearing shirts that say "Hellfire club" that have like a devil on it with a sword, dice, and other things on it too. Mike and Dustin are actually wearing them too.

"Y/N!" Dustin shouts and runs over for a hug.

"Hey buddy, I missed you" I hug him back.

"I'm glad your back!" he smiles.

"me too bud, me too." I laugh.

I guess Chrissy was right. The positive side of coming back was seeing people I knew again. it really does outweigh the bad. Dustin looks at me like his older sister, I look at him like a brother. I would do anything to protect him. He hasn't changed since I left, he is still the same old Dustin. He is really close with Steve, well not as much as he used to be actually.

"I will be back, I am gonna use the restroom" I rush out of the cafeteria to the bathroom.

I think this year might actually be good. This year I am gonna be myself, I'm gonna do what I wanna do. This is my year for sure. I quickly wash up in the bathroom and head back. When I step in the cafeteria everyone is staring at someone as they shout across the room.

"As long as your into band or.. science or.. parties. or a GAME where you toss BALLS into LAUNDRY BASKETS" The stranger shouts on top of a table.

"You want something freak?" I see Jason stand up.

The stranger on the table does this weird looking face and smiles. Jason walks away annoyed and goes back to sit at his table. I notice the stranger is at the dnd table and is also wearing one of those shirts. He has on a denim jacket with band pins on it and ironed on patches. Wearing black jeans with a chain dangling from them. His hair is long and dark. Interesting. I walk back over to the dnd table and sit next to Dustin and Mike.

"I'm back." I fiddle with my thumbs.

"welcome back. you missed the show." Mike laughs.

"oh the one with the guy on the table and Jason? I saw it from the door." I rest my hand on my cheek.

"and who is the new person?" the mystery guy walks up behind Dustin and Mike questioning.

"My sister, Y/N wheeler." Mike introduces me.

"hm. why is she sitting here?" he stares at me.

"Mike suggested it since I only know a few people. Otherwise I wouldn't have sat here." I roll my eyes.

"You seem to know Jason" one of the other guys point out.

"well yea. I met him the first time I came here." I take a sip of my water.

"your not new?" the other guy asks.

Mike explains the whole situation on how I used to go here but moved to California for 2 years. Then I got forced to move back to Hawkins for the rest of high school. Dustin was happy to know I was staying for my last 2 years and not leaving again.

"anyway Y/N. this is Eddie Munson he Is the leader of the dnd group. He is a senior. Would be graduated by now but he got held back." Mike explains.

"Why do I care who he is?" I blurt out.

"I just thought I would introduce you since well your sitting here.." Mike looks down.

"Its not like I will be sitting here all year so I don't care." I snap back.

"hey Y/N, you should come to dnd night!" Dustin smiles.

"Dustin, you know I'm not into that stuff." I look over to see Jason staring at me.

Jason gets up and starts walking towards the table I'm sitting at. He stops in front of me and places his hand on the table. He stays there for a minute just staring at everyone before looking back at me and speaking out.

"why are you sitting with the freaks. huh?" His eyes turn cold.

"Hey. Don't call my brother and Henderson a freak." I snap.

"Well if they are sitting with Munson then they are a freak." He laughs.

"Seriously Jason? shut up." I stand up and look straight into his eyes.

"or what?" He chuckles.

I look over at Chrissy as I bite my cheek trying to calm down. I don't want to get into a fight right now, Chrissy notices and walks over to me quickly.

"Jason just knock it off, don't call her brother and Dustin a freak." She looks over to them.

"They are literally freshman and still kids. Don't judge them for what they play." I say.

"hellfire club? sounds like a ritual." He scoffs.

"but it isn't, its just their dnd club." I stare at him.

"whatever you say Y/N" he walks away with Chrissy.

Chrissy looks back at one of the guys sitting at my table. she looks down when I notice her.

I go to twirl back around to see the whole dnd table staring at me with an uncertain look on their faces like they are unsure what just happened. Eddie is eating and looking up at me.

"Did you just stick up for us?" Mike asks.

"not really. you guys are kinda freaks but only I can call you names." I laugh.

Lunch ends and I continue throughout the day waiting for the last bell to ring. Robin ended up skipping the two classes we have together so that sucked. It felt like forever by the time the final bell rang. I rushed out the door so fast and headed over to Robin who was standing by the car. We both hop in and head to the video store, My mom apparently put my name in to work there a week before I came back and I got accepted somehow without an interview. well at least I will be working with robin. She could have applied me for scoops ahoy or something, which would have sucked.

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