endless questions

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I wake up in the morning and hop off the couch. Its completely silent. I look at the clock hanging on the wall and there's 10 minutes until the school doors open.

"Eddie" I call out.

No response.

"Eddie!" I yell.

I hear footsteps as he walks out of a bathroom with a band tee and ripped jeans on.

"sorry I'm late sweetheart" he chuckles with a smile.

"I'm leaving so just wanted to let you know" I head towards the door.

"you gonna wear just a t-shirt to school?" he stops me.

I look down and realize I am still In just the shirt he gave me for bed. fuck, I don't have anything to change into here. well this is an issue..

"here I will grab you a new shirt and see if there is any pants you can wear"

he walks over to the bag again and gives me his hellfire shirt and blue jeans, I stare at them.

"who's jeans are these? they look way to small to be yours." I ask.

"some girls, she left them in here last week." he answers.

that's.. great. so he obviously hung out here on a daily basis before having to hide here. I walk to the small bathroom to change. I put the jeans on which actually fit me perfectly and then throw the hellfire shirt on. I quickly use my hands to fix my hair and go to my bag and grab a small stick of deodorant I carry with me and put it on. I throw my bag on my back and look at Eddie who is currently looking me up and down.

"okay I'm gonna head out, see you later" I go to walk out the door.

"so your saying I'll be seeing you again?" he stops me.

"oh my god, I meant it as like I'll see you whenever we run into each other again." I rush out.

I arrive at the school and walk inside, I ended up being a few minutes late but that's fine. I head into my science lab now.

I sit at the table and actually do the project without messing it up. thank god because I do not wanna get detention again. I call for the teacher and let them know I finished. they come over to examine it, they give mw a thumbs up and say to start cleaning it up.

"Miss Wheeler, where is your partner today?" the teacher asks me.

"I'm not sure" I shrug obviously knowing but not being able to say.

The bell rings and I head to the lunch room. I sit next to Dustin and Max. Max started sitting with us. I have no idea what happened to Lucas ever since I ran into him at the video store. we all decide to ditch lunch because everyone wants to go see Eddie. once we arrive we all sit on the floor and chat.

Mike: "hey y/n why weren't you at home last night?"

y/n: "what do you mean?"

Mike: "mom went in your room and you weren't there, she went and locked the door"

y/n: "I knew she was the one that locked it"

Mike: "so you were out of the house then?"

y/n: "yea I was relaxing at the park that was down the block"

Dustin: "so where did you sleep then?"

Max looks me up and down almost like she is analyzing me and she gasps, everyone looks at her confused for a minute. she point to me and everyone looks still confused, they look back at Max for an answer on what is going on.

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