Victor Creel

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Nancy wakes up and calls Robin and the crew over early morning after she gets situated for the day. They all come over and sit on the couch in the basement, Mother has left to go tan at the community beach. Nancy and Robin stand up to tell their plan.

Robin: "thanks to Nancy's minion, we are now rock-star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame."

Nancy: "I'm now Ruth"

Robin: "and I'm Rose"

we all talk about what they will do when they arrive to the location and how they will get in to see Victor. Then Dustin bring up more interesting information he found to the group.

Dustin: "So far, everyone Vecna has cursed has died within a span of 24 hours after their first vision. Except for this Victor Creel dude. He's the only known survivor. I looked it up, he wouldn't talk to reporters about it, only close friends or family. plus his family was killed by Vecna it seems. if anyone knows how to beat it then its definitely him."

Steve: "that's assuming he was cursed Henderson which we don't even know. How can Vecna have existed in the '50s? it doesn't make sense."

Max: "okay can we please back track for a second? I started seeing visions recently so who knows how long I have left. We need to figure this out."

Y/n: "Max? how would you describe it when the visions come on?"

Max: "its weird, its like things are used against you in it. its like your in a trance or something and when you come out of it your in a cold sweat, its like a walking nightmare."

Dustin: "okay.. that's interesting. Far as we know, Eleven didn't create the upside down. She just opened the gate to it. The upside down has probably been around for thousands of years."

Y/n: "but if a gate didn't exist in the '50s how did he get through? How's he getting through now and why now? because Eleven closed that gate, didn't she?"

Robin: "yes, she did."

Eddie: "okay so we have a lot of questions that need answering, but if you two girls wanna be convincing you might wanna dress the part in acting like academic scholars."

Steve: "this guy actually has a brain? that's surprising"

Y/n: "Steve! uncalled for!"

Nancy: "well luckily I was way ahead of you, come along Robin."

Nancy and Robin head upstairs into her room and Nancy gives Robin a dress to change into. of course Robin wasn't at all happy with this and kept complaining how tight it was and how it was itchy and all sorts of things. They come down after getting changed, some of us can't contain our laughter of seeing Robin in a dress.

Robin and Nancy head over to the Pennhurst Asylum to meet up with the director at three o'clock. Now all they had to do was try and charm him and convince him to let them talk to Victor, then maybe we can get rid of this curse, and save Max especially before something happens. They arrive on time and head into the building and meet up with the director in an office.

"Hello ladies, nice to meet you. what can I help you with?" they ask with their hands on their desk.

"Hello it's nice to meet you as well, I'm Ruth and this is my friend Rose. Were doing a project on Victor Creel and the thesis is due next month however we can only learn so much in a classroom so we were wondering.. if there was anyway at all to visit him?" Nancy is the one to talk for both of them.

"I'm sympathetic to your struggle, truly. but there is a protocol to visiting a patient like Victor. You put in a request and then undergo a screening process, at which point the board will make a decision. I can see your disappointed, the most I can do for you both is give you a tour and perhaps you could even speak to some patients in our low-security wing." the director states.

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