I told you not to be a hero..

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while waiting for Vecna to show his presence Max and I decide to talk using paper and marker to pass the time since there was nothing to do.

Max's Paper: "you okay?"

Y/n's Paper: "Just a bit nervous."

Max's Paper: "I'm here with you, I won't let anything happen to you."

Y/n's Paper: "thank you Max. You're amazing."

Max's Paper: "Of course. Your all I have left besides my mother."

Y/n's Paper: "you have the others too, we all are family."

Max's Paper: "that's true, but I'm closest with you."

we both smile at each other until we see the flashlights starting to flicker. I go to a small table in the center of the room and sit down once the flashlight flickers like crazy upon walking over. I look back to Max who gives me a thumbs up, I give her one back. she walks over to the window and flashes her light towards the playground. after a few seconds a flashlight is flashed back. on to phase two of the plan. all of a sudden I feel weird and turn around to see Max standing behind me as she talks horrible and throws negative words/remarks towards me, she even tells me she hopes Vecna kills me.

Lucas: "start Phase 2."

Dustin: "got it, doing it now."

Eddie: "this ones for you Y/n"

Dustin turns up the speakers and Eddie starts playing "Supermassive Black Hole by Muse" on his guitar as the bats slowly start to make their way over to the sound. Dustin is just sitting on the trailer dancing as Eddie plays it with no problem whatsoever.

Dustin: "Start phase 3!"

Lucas: "got it. Steve, Robin, and Nancy headed out towards there awhile ago."

turns out that it wasn't Max who was saying those things. after some time I picked up whatever was closest to me and chucked it at them, it ended up being Vecna which means its go time. I run around the house opening doors trying to find somewhere to run but they are all boarded up so I am stuck with no where to go.

With Steve, Robin, and Nancy they went to find the Lair and ended up getting trapped by vines for some time. they were able to get out of it somehow but it took some time. they end up finding where Vecna is and start to get ready with everything.

Back with Eddie and Dustin, Eddie finishes the song after almost 4 minutes and they hop down and go into the trailer. Dustin and Eddie jump up and down in excitement with how awesome it was but that was cut short when the bats started to attack the trailer. Eddie runs to shut a door that was open. the bats open a small vent at the top of the trailer so Eddie and Dustin shove their weapons through it to stab them repeatedly but it doesn't do much. Eddie decides to slam his shield into it which closes it up.

Vecna: "Y/n.. it's nice to finally meet you."

Y/n: "what do you want!"

Vecna: "oh you already know my plan.."

Y/n: "leave my friends alone."

Vecna: "I only need one more Y/n. why should I stop now?"

Y/n: "listen do whatever you want to me, just leave Max and the others out of it!"

Vecna: "hm.. Eleven never told me how loyal you are to your little friends."

Y/n: "they are my everything. just take me."

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