Accused Murder

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"Y/N WHEELER, get down here right now!" Mother screams from downstairs.

I walk downstairs still in my pajamas, I have bags under my eyes from very little sleep. when I enter the living room my mother and Mike are sitting on the couch. Mike looks at me then away at the television. he looks nervous, wonder why.

"you are going to go with your brother to his dnd club" mother states.

"what? why?" I look between the two.

"I don't want him going alone especially with a murder on the loose." she explains.

"why me? why can't Nancy take him? I just lost my friend." I glare at her.

"because I asked you. just do as your told." she gets up off the couch and leaves.

I share an aggravated look with Mike. this kid has literally went up against 3 different monsters and he can't handle whatever is out there this time? that's just bullshit. oh wait, mom wouldn't know because she never pays attention. she would rather sleep around with guys younger than her.

"sorry.. I can go alone don't worry" he gets up off the couch.

"no its fine. I will take you so she doesn't yell at me." I sigh.

We head out the door and start heading to the place they meet up for the club. we end up running into Jason on the way there. he glares at Mike then at me before walking up to us.

"where is the freak?" his is fuming.

"no idea" Mike shrugs obviously lying.

"why are you protecting a murderer?" He raises his voice at Mike.

Mike stares at him and then looks up at me for a second. I take a closer look at Jason. I notice something in his hand. when I get a better view of it I realize it's a knife..

"Jason.. why do you have a knife?" I point to it and move Mike behind me.

"reasons. don't worry it will all be over soon." he laughs and walks away.

Mike and I exchange a worried look. what is Jason doing with a knife? why did that sentence sound like he was gonna kill someone. lets just hurry up and get to that meeting. we continue walking and spot more basketball players with weapons, they glance at us. I then see cheerleaders as well shouting to kill the devil. what the hell is going on? after 15 minutes we arrive at the meet up place.

"Y/N!" Dustin jumps with joy seeing me.

"hey bud" I give a slight smile.

Eddie looks up from his chair and notices me, he stands up and walks over to me. everyone stares at us and the room is silent.

"well would you look at that, Y/N wheeler is here" he doesn't break eye contact.

"I got forced to come by my mother." I roll my eyes.

"you should have said no" he walks back to his chair.

"no wasn't an option unfortunately" I take a seat in the corner of the room.

Everyone sits around the table in the middle of the room, I'm not exactly sure what this game is even about or what they do in it. I spot Erica as she enters the room and takes the last seat at the table.

"welcome back Lady Applejack" one of the other guys speak out.

"never do that again" she looks at them with disgust.

I chuckle at that. after a while I hear something going on outside so I stand up and decide to look out the window. when I open the curtain I see a crowd of people. Jocks, cheerleaders, townspeople, and who was at the front? Jason.

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