The Meeting

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"Y/N wake up!" I hear Nancy scream as I start wake up from my deep slumber.

I jump up falling off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thump following. I lift myself off the floor and stand up straight before turning around to stare Nancy right in the eyes.

"seriously, what now!" I yell while flailing my arms around.

"the meeting is happening, lets go before were late" she walks out of my room.

oh yea the meeting, I forgot about that. hopefully they figured out what is going on around here. I go to the bathroom and then do my hair, teeth, deodorant, put a small amount of makeup on which consists of eyeliner and mascara. I finish up by throwing on a pair of shorts and a striped shirt before heading downstairs. we eat some breakfast and head down to the basement.

we walk in and Steve, Max, Robin, Eddie, and Dustin are all sitting around. we sit down with them. Dustin exchanges me a look of complete panic. we all look around as we wait for someone to speak out."

Dustin: "I guess I will break the silence. there's a major problem."

we all stare at him confused as hell.

Dustin: "you know how people say Hawkins is... cursed? They're not way off. as some in this room may know, there's another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins which sometimes bleeds into ours."

Eddie: "like ghosts and shit?"

Max: "it's worse than ghosts."

Dustin: "these monsters from this other world. we thought they were gone."

Y/n: "so it was something from the upside down again?"

Dustin: "pretty much. all those headaches, nose bleeds, and hallucinations are part of a curse."

Nancy: "what curse..?"

Max: "Vecna's curse."

Steve: "who the hell is Vecna"

Dustin: "the best way to describe him is a powerful wizard."

Steve: "so is that all you found?"

Max: "so far yes, we need others to help find more"

Robin: "wait.. wasn't there a guy who went through those signs like the headaches and stuff?"

Y/n: "Victor Creel! do you think its possible that he came in contact with this vecna dude?"

Nancy: "maybe.. they kept saying he was mental by what he described to them"

We all sit in silence as we think of what to do. Max puts her finger up to her nose and realizes its bleeding. she looks up at everyone with a worried look. the lights in the basement start to flicker. they stop after a while.

Steve: "what was that about?"

Max: "it started awhile ago, I have no idea. it happens at my tailer and at first i thought it was just the sucky electricity but it happens quite a lot, and then started happening no matter where I am. same with the nosebleed. it happens at least two or three times a day"

Robin: "that's weird."

Eddie: "so what are we gonna do?"

Y/n: "all we know is what Vecna can do, and when he kills the victims the bones snap or whatever"

Eddie: "this enough evidence to make you believe it wasn't me y/n?"

Y/n: "yeah, I started rethinking that a few days ago actually. my bad"

we all chat and Robin and Nancy suggest going to where Victor Creel is being held to see if this is what he was talking about to people when they called him mental. we all agree that it's a good idea to do. If that's the case then maybe he knows something we don't. They plan to do it within the next few days. Dustin says he will contact Suzie, his girlfriend to see if she can find anything on Victor Creel for research purposes. I also let him know what Eden had told me to tell him the night at the pool which I may have forgotten about until now.

Dustin: "I've just been so busy, I'll let her know when I contact her later."

Robin: "you can be busy and still talk to your girlfriend you know"

We all leave back to our houses with the information we all received today. Eddie and I share a little bit of eye contact as Nancy and I head back up the stairs to the first floor.

"I guess I get to go on a little road trip soon" she expresses worry in her voice.

"guess so, why did we get dragged into this again?" I ask.

"that's actually a great question, I don't remember how we got into this mess" we laugh together.

"oh yea, don't forget you have practice tomorrow after school" she reminds me.

"oh right, thanks" I give her a slight smile.

I sit down with my family for some lunch as its noon when the meeting had ended, Mike is on the house phone talking with Eleven so he must have eaten something already. mother and Nancy have a talk about the colleges she applied to, mom doesn't think its a good idea for her and Jonathan to go to the same college but I don't see a problem with that at all. besides it also depends on if they both even get accepted to it in the first place.

I finish up my lunch and head upstairs to my room and set out clothes for school tomorrow and set up my cheer bag with practice clothes, poms, all those things so that I don't forget about it later. I switch into pajamas for the rest of the day. I decide to do some sketching in my notebook until night arrives. I feel like these days are starting to go by a little faster but I also go out of the house and do things now, mostly school, cheer, parties, and having meets about this whole Hawkins curse or whatever but still. I close my curtains and sit on my bed for a while doing some homework I forgot about until last minute. it took about 38 minutes to do as I had Geometry and science work. I'm not the best with either of those subjects but I'm also not bad at it, I'm in-between I guess. I get up and put them in a folder before putting them inside my bag for tomorrow. I go back into my bed and fall asleep within minutes as I'm overly exhausted.

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