Talking with the Counselor

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Going back to the wheeler's house, Mike is screaming for everyone to wake up by the time the sun has risen. we all rush out of our rooms as we very quickly did our morning routines.

"why are you screaming oh my god!" Nancy says looking around.

"Code red! Eleven got ARRESTED!" Mike shouts.

"what?" Nancy and I both say as we exchange a confused look.

"see, I told you she wasn't a good person" Mother says.

"she is a good person!" Mike responds.

"obviously not if she's in jail" Mother scoffs.

We wait for our mother to exit the room before we clam Mike down. he sits down with his head in his hands. Nancy and I sit next to him as he slowly calms down after awhile.

"what did she even do?" he asks.

"Well first off how did you find this out? and what was said about it?" Nancy asks.

"Will called me and told me it was due to the Rink-O-Mania incident" He responds.

"what incident?" Nancy looks over at me.

"Eleven hit this girl with a roller skate and caused her to bleed" I respond.

"well that was wrong of her to do" Nancy explains.

"but she did it in defense, the girl was bullying her for months" Mike replies.

"still doesn't make it right Mike, the girl probably pressed charges on her" Nancy tells him.

Mike sighs and heads upstairs to his room, I guess he is skipping school. I'm sure he will get yelled at for it sooner or later by mother. Nancy asks me about how cheer practice went yesterday, I tell her we practiced a new routine for the big game coming up next weekend. she says she might come to it and watch me cheer. after a little morning chat with Nance, we eat our breakfast and then head outside to the car to drive to school.

We arrive and I head to the counselor right when the bell rings to let the students into the building. She gives me a small smile and gestures for me to sit down. I do as told and put my hands resting onto my lap.

Counselor: "how you holding up?"

Y/n: "fine"

Counselor: "I can't help at all if you lie to me"

Y/n: "you can't help anyway"

Counselor: "I can trust me"

I sigh and fiddle with my fingers for a second before looking back up at her, I can tell she's being genuine by how soft her eyes are right now. I guess I should open up about everything now. I take a breather and speak up about missing Chrissy and that image of her being stuck in my head. How my mother acts towards my siblings and I. how I wanna move out and get away from my mother. Then I tell her about my mother leaving a bright red imprint on my face from smacking me.

Counselor: "if it's this bad then let me call cps to get you away from her"

Y/n: "that will just make it worse. I wanna stay in Hawkins.."

Counselor: "can you move in with a friend?"

Y/n: "I have a friend who offered but I'm not sure If I wanna take that offer up yet or not"

Counselor: "okay.. have you had any time to grieve over the loss of Chrissy?"

Y/n: "nope. the next morning my mother had me practically babysitting my brother"

Counselor: "oh I see. have you thought about therapy sessions?"

Y/n: "I don't wanna take them"

The counselor looks at me and sighs. she tells me she can't do much if I'm not willing to get help with anything. I don't want help though, she can't do anything. If she calls cps I will be away from my siblings and be taken out of Hawkins to who knows where. I can handle this on my own even if it takes forever. I look back up at her and tell her I don't need to see her anymore. she looks at me worried but respects it.

By the time I leave her office it has hit lunch time, which the group now leaves during this period to go and sit with Eddie in the woods since he can't be seen at the school right now. we all sit at the picnic table and some sit on the forest floor. I cross my hands on the table and lay my head on them.

Dustin: "y/n are you okay?"

Y/n: "mhm"

Dustin slides out over to give me a little hug, I appreciated that a lot. this is why I love this kid so much. He cares about everyone and is super smart. he's like my second brother.

"hey Wheeler, where's your brother?" Eddie asks.

"do I look like I wanna talk?" I take my head out of my hands and sit up straight.

"I'm simply asking you a question, just answer it" he stares at me.

"at home, there you happy?" I pull out a notebook from my backpack.

"why is he there?" Dustin asks me.

"He's mad because Eleven got arrested" I explain while taking my notebook out to sketch.

"I'm sorry.. is Eleven a person?" one of the guys ask.

"yep, his girlfriend. anyway who the hell are you?" I ask.

"Gareth, why are you just now acknowledging me? I'm literally always here" they respond.

"didn't really care enough to notice" I shrug as I scribble a sketch down.

"oh ok cool" Gareth replies.

Gareth looks over at Eddie and gives him a look before looking back at me. Eddie looks over at me almost like he is contemplating whether to speak or not, but of course he decides to talk.

"who pissed in your drink this morning?" he asks.

"do you ever know when to shut it?" I slam my hand onto the table and turn to look at him.

everyone turns to look at me, Dustin tells us all to relax and that what Eddie said was just a joke. Eddie tells him otherwise saying it was a serious question. I roll my eyes and put my notebook back into my bag. Dustin changes the topic back into Mike and Eleven. he tells them all about her like how and where they found her, how she barely had any vocabulary, her powers, how there are others like her. I feel like that was kind of unnecessary to basically tell them every single thing about her, it could also potentially put her in danger.

I decide to leave on this note and head over to work.

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