The Hunt

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we stop after walking for some time and Eddie looks over at me worried and squeezes my hand tighter which ends up hurting a little bit but I don't tell him. I see the picnic table and walk him over to it as we go to sit down. I play with the rings on his fingers and twirl them. he watches me do so and smiles a little bit.

Eddie: "do you like them?"

Y/n: "like? more like love them."

Eddie: "I'll remember that."

Y/n: "what, why?"

Eddie: "no reason.."

Y/n: "okay.. anyway you ready?"

Eddie: "what if I lose control?"

Y/n: "you won't, I'm right here with you."

Eddie: "okay.."

Y/n: "so.. animals or people?"

Eddie: "uh.. I think I prefer people... and we won't find any in the woods."

Y/n: "let's go over to.. the cemetery"

Eddie: "who would be there?"

Y/n: "I know Jason's dad visits his grave... you could feed on him"

Eddie: "hm.. okay"

we get up off the bench and start heading to the cemetery where almost everyone from Hawkins is buried. Billy, Barb, Chrissy, Jason, Fred, and Patrick are all buried there. we walk over to the entrance and I spot Jason's father at his grave. Eddie whispers to me on how this is gonna work.

Eddie: "he isn't gonna like seeing me... I mean come on I'm sure his father thinks the same as him."

Y/n: "your probably right but I have a plan."

Eddie: "which is?"

"I'll go up and say I was visiting Chrissy and saw him so I wanted to see how he is doing. he will talk to me with no problem since he thinks Jason and I were close. while I talk to him you can sneak up behind him and then do whatever you want to." I explain to him. Eddie nods in agreement so I start heading over.

Y/n: "hey.."

Jason's Father: "oh Y/n, hello there. what are you doing here?"

Y/n: "I was visiting Chrissy.."

Jason's Father: "oh of course.. It sucks she is gone. she was a sweetheart."

Y/n: "yea.. it sucks. any leads on Jason?"

Jason's Father: "nope.. they stay thinking its a suicide."

Y/n: "oh.. I'm sorry."

Jason's Father and I continue to talk and I watch behind him to see Eddie sneaking up behind him. right as Eddie steps behind Jason's father, Jason's father asks what I'm looking at so he turns around.

Eddie: "why hello there"

Jason's father: "I thought you went missing. what are you doing? get away from here you murderer."

Eddie: "I guess you will be joining your son."

Eddie's eye dilate and turn red and he pushes his fangs right into Jason's fathers neck. making blood dribble right from his neck and all over his body. Eddie continues to gulp down the blood as fast as he could. he stops after about five minutes and the body drops. Eddie wipes his mouth and blood drips from his mouth onto the floor. he smiles and walks towards me and goes to put his hand on the back of my neck tilting it.

Y/n: "Eddie, try to control it."

he pauses and steps away from me. I can see his chest going in as he inhales trying to calm himself. after some time he gets angry and walks over to some rocks and kicks them which makes them fly across the cemetery. I walk over to him and he turns away from me. I grab his wrist and turn him around and we both kneel on the ground.

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