Somewhat of a Truce

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I reach the park and notice Eddie sitting on a swing with a lighted cigarette hanging out of his mouth.  I walk over and sit on a different swing which leaves 3 empty swings between us. he looks over at me and I gaze back, his eyes are glossy. has he been crying?

Y/n: "Eddie?"

Eddie: "hm?"

Y/n: "first off why are you here and not hiding? second, you ok?"

Eddie: "I was bored anyway why are you acting like you care?"

Y/n: "I'm not acting.. I'm serious."

he looks up at me trying to read my intentions. he gets off his swing and gets on another swing which is right next to mine. he kicks some woodchips as he goes to sit on the swing. he moves the cigarette from his mouth as a puff of smoke blows out. I cough and then look at him again.

Y/n: "what's wrong?"

Eddie: "can't sleep"

Y/n: "your crying cause you can't sleep..?"

Eddie: "please just be serious for once."

Y/n: "okay.. what is it then?"

Eddie: "I have nightmares of the night my mother died."

Y/n: "oh shit.. is that what happened the last time we were here?"

Eddie: "yep that's why I let out a small scream, embarrassing I know. but they feel so real."

I get up off my swing and walk towards a bench, he follows along. we both sit down and talk about them. he feels guilty for not being around when it happened. he talks about how his mother was and how kind she was. I try to convince him it wasn't his fault but he won't listen. I let him know he's not alone and that others feel the same emotion. he looks at me as a tear rolls down my face.

Eddie: "hey, what's wrong?"

Y/n: "your mother sounded so sweet, I just wish my mother was like that..."

Eddie: "is she not?"

Y/n: "not even close, she says I'm a mistake."

Eddie: "that's fucked up. is that why your always roaming and not home?"

Y/n: "that's exactly why"

we sit in silence for a while before one speaks again. 

Eddie: "do you hate me or something?"

Y/n: "no.. I just I don't know"

Eddie: "don't like getting to close to people, like to keep to yourself?"

Y/n: "I guess yea. you also didn't seem like the nicest when I first met you"

Eddie: "I get it. I come off scary don't I?"

Y/n: "nope. just the way you responded felt cold"

he slightly nods in a semi agreement.

Eddie: "you came off a bit bitchy"

Y/n: "I just don't like people"

we sit in silence once again.

"so.. truce?" he asks holding his hand out.

"let me think about that... hm fine" I shake his hand.

I look at the time and realize it's 2am, that's late. Eddie offers to walk me home since it's night time and creeps are out. I agree only because I hate walking alone when its dark. he stands at the sidewalk waiting for me to enter the house. however an issue occurs.. I go to open the door and its locked. someone must have woken up and locked it. I turn around and cross my arms as I lean on the door.

"what?" he asks looking at me.

"someone must have woke up and locked the door." I drop my hands to my side.

"oh." he twirls his rings on his fingers.

"yea.. so gonna have to walk to like Robin's or something" I walk back to the sidewalk.

"if you want you can just come back to the hideout with me." he offers.

It's either going to Eddie's or going to knock at Steve's house because Robin is most likely asleep and I don't need Steve getting the wrong idea. I decide to take Eddie's offer up. we start walking to the hideout which takes half an hour. we walk inside and he puts out his cigarette before opening some windows to let the smoke smell out.

"you can have the bed" he says.

"oh no its fine, I can take the couch" I smile.

"your not gonna let me change your mind are you" he laughs.

"nope" I smile.

"fine, need a shirt to sleep in or anything?" he asks.

"uh yea.. if you don't mind" I sit on the couch.

he walks over to a couple bags in the corner and grabs a shirt. he throws it over to me.

"can you like turn around?" I stare at him.

"not like there's anything to see but sure" he laughs.

I stand up and quickly change into the shirt and then put my clothes I was wearing onto a table close by. I grab a can off the floor and throw it straight at his head.

"your such an asshole, you know that" I put my arms over my chest.

"oh I know I am" he smiles. .

he walks over to his bed and grabs one of the blankets on it and hands it to me. I lay down on the couch and put the blanket over me, I pull the blanket closer to my face as its nice and warm.

"you seem cozy" he says closing the windows after most of the smoke smell left.

"I actually am"  I pull my feet closer to my body almost curling into a ball.

"well, don't wake me up unless someone has found us and wants to murder me, okay? night" he tells me before turning blowing out a candle leaving the room pitch dark as he heads over to his bed.

I close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep, I probably should have declined his offer to stay the night here. I should have went to someone else, to late now though. I will just have to deal with everything tomorrow when I go home since they probably know I left the house. Mother locking the door after realizing I'm gone is something she would probably do to try and teach me a lesson. whatever, I will deal with it after school tomorrow.

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