what do I feel?

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I ended up going straight home after he told me that. I talked to Nancy about it on the way home, well only about the part of him saying he likes me. she asked me how I felt and I told her whenever I look at him I get flustered and the feeling of fire spreading in my body. she tells me that it seems I like him back, I don't know.. I've been avoiding him since then and its been two days. I also tell Robin and Robin said I should ask what him what kind of like and that maybe he meant in a friendly way and not romance. I don't know but I have to go to school today and he will be there so this is gonna be interesting. Max has been staying with Steve so we can keep an eye on her, we just told her mom we were having a sleepover for a few days so she doesn't suspect anything.

anyway, I get up and get ready for the day. I walk downstairs to mom and Nancy at the table. mom is flipping out that nobody knows exactly where Mike went, all we know is he went towards California so that's all we could tell her. she started flipping out on us for letting him go there. Nancy and I hurry up to finish our food so we can leave for school asap. once in the car we talk about what I'm gonna go.

Nancy: "you gonna talk to him anytime soon?"

Y/n: "I don't know."

Nancy: "you cant avoid him forever"

Y/n: "I mean I could since he cant be at school"

Nancy: "maybe Robin was right, it could have meant friendship wise"

Y/n: "yea maybe, who knows."

Nancy: "have you thought about how you feel?"

Y/n: "only a little"

Nancy continues on with the conversation until we reach the school, I head to class and do my work. the members of hellfire club continue to look at me whenever I pass them in the hallway. I then have my next class with Robin who asks me similar things to Nancy.

Robin: "so.. do you like him?"

Y/n: "please just stop, I don't wanna continue with this conversation"

Robin: "you have to figure it out sooner or later"

Y/n: "I choose later"

we do our work and continue talking about everything, talking about school events coming up, we talk about the final game of basketball season getting closer. we only have like three months left until school is over and two and a half weeks until the final game. I have been going to practices and games here and there but everything is so stressful lately that I get called out a lot at practice to fix things by the coach.

The bell for lunch rings and I sit at a completely different table away from the hellfire club members, they decided to all stay in school today rather than leave and meet Eddie in the woods. I see Gareth getting up from his seat as he starts walking over to me.

"here, Eddie wanted me to give you this today." Gareth hands me a note.

I open the note and it says to meet him in the woods by the picnic table once I am done school. I hand it back to Gareth and tell him I'm not doing that, tell Eddie no whenever he gets to.

Gareth: "just do it please, for everyone's sake" he says.

Y/n: "nope, I shall not"

Gareth: "what if I give you fifty dollars just to talk to him?"

Y/n: "...okay fine, cough it up" I put my hand out.

he puts the money in my hand and thanks me, Eddie must really be annoying them about this or something because they want me to talk to him so bad that they offered me money just to do it. I look over at their table and Gareth sits down and tells the others, they all seem relieved.

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