Meeting 001

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Back in Nevada with Eleven and the others, Papa is talking to Eleven about headaches and nausea from an incident that happened after arriving back into the rainbow room after seeing peter, a few others had used their powers and hurt her. Papa takes her to the conference room with the others. he asks for Eleven to step forward

Papa: "last night, your sister Eleven suffered a concussion during her alone time in the rainbow room. Now, she claims to not have a memory of what happened. but injuries of this nature don't simply happen. someone did this, someone in this room. now, who's going to tell me what happened?"

majority of the children look at Papa in terror, some don't make eye contact.

Two: "she must have fallen.." some start laughing.

Papa: "fallen?"

Two: "you've seen her Papa. She's clumsy.. stupid"

Papa: "Eleven you may step back. Two please step forward."

Two gets nervous.

Papa: "collar him."

A guy in white walks over and puts a collar on his neck.

Papa: "you think because you demonstrate some talent.. that you're somehow immune to the rules, is that it?"

Two: "no, Papa."

Papa: "that the rules don't apply to you in the same way they do your brothers and sisters?"

Two: "No, Papa."

Peter looks over at the interaction and looks down.

Papa: "then why.. did you attack Eleven?"

Two: "did she tell you that?"

Papa: "are you asking the questions or am I? did you attack Eleven."

Two: "if she told you that then.. she's lying!"

Dr Brenner ups the collar.

Two: "Papa, please, you have to believe me. she's lying!"

Dr Brenner turns the electricity on and two groans in pain and falls to his knees.

Dr Brenner asks him again what happened, two said it was an accident. he gets shocked again and falls over onto the floor into a ball. all the other kids jump and close their eyes a bit. Peter looks down at the floor as Dr Brenner higher the shock power, continuing to make Two cry in pain.

they let the children leave the room after that and Eleven is let into the rainbow room, she goes back to the coin drop thing once again and keeps retrying it in order to get a coin in each number slot. She turns around to all the other children glaring at her, she drops the little coins and goes to pick them up. Peter grabs the last one.

Peter: "you open to something a little more challenging?"

They go over to a table and play chess.

Peter: "try not to show any emotion as I speak, okay? keep playing the game if you understand"

Eleven moves a piece.

Peter: "two is still in the infirmary recovering, he's being watched now but once he is released, he and the others are going to attempt to kill you. right here in this room. Papa, he will allow it to happen. in fact, he wants it to happen. he's been planning it for some time now. stay calm, focus on the game." Eleven breathes shakily and moves another piece.

Peter: "there is a reason why two and the others were able to escape their room last night. why the security cameras were turned off. why Papa punished two today. they don't even realize it but he is moving them like pieces on this board here. driving them to do exactly what he wants. which is.." Peter takes out one of her pieces.

Eleven: "why?"

Peter: "you frighten him. he knows you are more powerful than the others and he also knows he can't control you. that's all he wants... control. that's why I wanted to help you, but I only made things worse." he looks down.

Eleven: "helping me.. made Papa hurt you"

Peter: "and it is why you must escape, today. but they are watching us. closely. if you want to make it out alive you must do exactly as I say. do you understand?"

Eleven: "why do you still help?"

Peter: "because I believe in you. it is time you are free from this hell."

He hands her a card under the table.

Eleven waits for it to hit 12:15 and then goes up to someone guarding the door. she tells them she feels dizzy and that the light is hurting her head. he goes to lead her in the hallway to the infirmary. he goes to tell the nurse but realizes Eleven is no longer behind him when the nurse points it out. she sneaks and used the card given to her to open doors.

she bumps into Peter and is told to follow him, he opens a vent and tells her its scary but it will lead her out beyond the lab fence and to the woods. he tells her that he will not being going with her. he tells her everyone here is a prisoner, even the guards and nurses. he puts her finger on his neck and has her feel some sort of tracking thing. he says it also weakens him and even if there was another way out he would be found.

Eleven: "what if I make it go away? you helped me. I help you."

Peter smiles at her.

Peter: "remember you cant hurt me more than they already have."

he goes to put something in his mouth so if he makes any noise it will not be heard. Eleven starts to focus on the tracking system in his neck and pulls it out. he walks over to it and investigates it.

Peter: "who knew something so small could cause so much trouble, thank you."

Eleven wipes her nose. Guards barge in and Peter grabs her arm and runs but get blocked off in a hallway. they tell them to go against the wall Eleven is about to but Peter stops her and tells her there's no reason to be afraid of them anymore.

Peter uses his powers and sends the guards flying into the walls. Eleven looks at him and he grabs her and brings her into a room. he tells her to wait there, Eleven asks how he did that. He told her like he had said before. they are alike. he lifts his sleeve revealing a 001 on his wrist.

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