are we ready?

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"darling, wake up" I feel a small nudge on my back.

I open my eyes after a few soft shakes, rubbing my eyes sleepily. I sit up and take a look at my alarm clock and then back over to Eddie who is standing like a lost child while looking at me. Thunder and lightning sounds coming from outside.

"Eddie, it is literally 6 in the morning. it is way to early." I yawn.

"no please, I need help with something." he says.

"what do you need help with? especially this early in the morning?" I stare at him confused.

he turns on the light on my nightstand and shows a pair of scissors in his hand and then points to his bangs. after my eyes adjust to the light I look up and there is a complete mess on his forehead.

Y/n: "oh god.. what did you do"

Eddie: "my bangs started to get to long so I tried cutting my hair.. it didn't go very well"

Y/n: "I see that! lets get you fixed up then."

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and then walk over to grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom. once inside I close the door so Nancy isn't woken up by the light. getting straight to work I cut and style it so it looks decent again. you finish up and put the scissors and stuff back into the cabinet and then look at Eddie.

Y/n: "okay so wanna explain why you decided to cut your hair at 6 in the morning?"

Eddie: "got woken up.. so decided to cut it."

Y/n: "what woke you up?"

The lightning strikes into the sky and Eddie jumps slightly, he looks through the bathroom window and then turns back to you. realizing what's going on I grab his hand and we walk back to my bedroom and both hop into bed, he faces away from me but I notice with each strike that he jumps slightly. I place my hand on his shoulder and he turns towards me.

Y/n: "are you scared of thunder storms..?"

Eddie: "what? of course not!"

Y/n: "you don't need to lie Eddie. I can tell by the way you jump when it strikes."

with that being said he moves closer to me and lays his head on my chest while he wraps his arms around me. I run one hand through his hair and rub his back slightly with the other to calm him down. his heart beat slowly calms down as time goes by and he rests his head into my neck. we both fall asleep for the rest of the night.

"Good Morning!" Dustin screams standing at the bottom of the bed.

Eddie groans and picks up a pillow throwing it at Dustin before he snuggles back into me. Dustin not giving up grabs Eddie's guitar that is leaning on the wall and starts to strum random chords. that sets Eddie off and he climbs out of bed and runs over to grab it from him.

Eddie: "you know the rule. no touching my guitar, Henderson!"

Dustin: "it was the only way to get you out of bed, also put a shirt on!"

Eddie: "I was comfortable. why should I put a shirt on when I'm in Y/n's room?"

Dustin: "well to bad. were getting ready to leave that's why."

Dustin exits the room and shuts the door before heading downstairs. Eddie places the guitar back where it was and turns around to look at me before rolling his eyes jokingly. I get up and get ready for the day with a new outfit and putting my hair up. Eddie changes his clothes into something Dustin brought over for him. After we both are finished Eddie grabs his guitar in hand again and we head downstairs to the basement with our hands intertwined.

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