Back to the Lab

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It is now morning. We are now looking into the byers household, Jonathan is looking after Eleven and Will as Joyce fled to Russia. Jonathan is sitting at the table eating breakfast with will when someone knocks at the door, he gets up and goes to open the door.

"hi, does Jane Hopper live here?" the stranger asks.

"uh, yeah. um, what is this about?" Jonathan asked.

"Is Jane's father or mother around?" the stranger asked back.

"uh, no. no, her mom's out of town." Jonathan replies.

Will walks over next to Jonathan and stares at the stranger in the doorway. The person looks at will and asks what their relationships are to Jane.

"were her brothers. um, stepbrothers." Will explains.

"I'm sorry, what is this about?" Jonathan asks again.

"Jane Hopper was involved in an incident at the Rink-O-Mania, did you know this?" they ask.

"yeah it was a month ago. it was also an accident." will blurts out.

Eleven walks out of a room and over to the door to see what's going on. the stranger looks over at her and tilts his head.

"you Jane Hopper?" he asks looking at her.

"yea.. why?" Eleven asks a bit confused.

The guy barges through the door pushing through Will and Jonathan to get to Eleven. they put her arms behind her back and put restraints on her hands.

"you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can't afford one then one will be provided for you." the stranger says as he walks her out of the house.

"can you please tell us where you're taking her?" Jonathan asks.

"are the cuffs really necessary?" Will asks walking behind Jonathan out to the front.

They put Eleven in a police car and shut the door before going to the drivers seat. Eleven looks out of the window and looks at Will and Jonathan as she panics with tears streaming down her face as she doesn't know what's going on. after 45 minutes they arrive at a prison and she is taken to take photos and then placed in a holding cell.

Back at the byers house Jonathan and Will are freaking out not knowing what to do. Jonathan grabs his car keys and tells Will to jump in on the passengers side. they drive 45 minutes to get to the jail she was taken to. they go to the counter and ask to visit her and what is going on.

"she isn't allowed to have visitors, my apologies." the lady states.

"what? why not?" Will asks.

the lady ignores the question.

"why was she put in jail?" Jonathan asks.

"for assault to another person" the lady responds.

"it was an accident, that girl had been bullying her for months" Will exclaims.

"violence is never the answer" she responds.

Eleven is then brought out of a room still in cuffs as she is brought outside to get into a van. Jonathan and Will follow along to see what is going on. she is placed in the van and the door is shut, she looks outside to see the Byer brothers once again. she has a worried look on her face as she watches them out the window as the van starts to drive away from the prison.

"where am I going?" Eleven asks.

"Dr. Martin Brenner would like to see you" the guy responds.

"for how long?" Eleven questions him.

"I'm not sure" they respond back.

"why do you lie?" Eleven stares at him.

the guy looks into the mirror and shares a glance with Eleven before looking back at the road.

after 2 hours they have arrived in practically a desert and he gets out of the car and gets Eleven, he walks her to this door in the middle of nowhere. he puts in a code and the door opens allowing them to walk inside. they bring her to the rainbow room, when she enters there are several different people there with her. she spots Dr. Martin Brenner and walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder.

"Eleven" he smiles.

"Papa why am I here" Eleven asks.

"you need to grow your powers my child" he responds.

"but they are gone" Eleven looks down.

"they will come back, don't worry" he responds.

"okay.. how long do I have to stay here?" Eleven asks.

"just for a little bit" he replies.

Eleven nods and Dr. Martin Brenner walks away to talk to others. all of a sudden someone comes up behind Eleven. they are wearing all white clothes.

"hello there, what's your name?" he asks.

"Jane" Eleven responds.

"your real name.." they raise their eyebrow.

"Eleven, but El for short" she replies.

"nice to meet you Eleven, I'm peter" he shakes her hand with a smile.

they continue to chat for awhile as they grow their bond. he asks about where she was from, her friends, family, etc. she felt like she could trust him right away, he had a welcoming aura to her. didn't judge her, he helped her get to know the place again as her memory of the lab was vanished along with her powers. Eleven asks peter about her friends, peter reassures her she will see them again.

Back with Will and Jonathan. Will calls Mike and lets him know about everything that just happened. Mike is yelling on the phone angry with them for allowing it to happen. Jonathan grabs the phone and explains there was nothing they could do about it. Mike hangs up the phone on them.

"should we tell the others.." Will asks Jonathan.

"I'll let them know the next time I see them." Jonathan says.

Jonathan tries to plan out how he is gonna tell the rest of the group what just went down. Will tells him not to worry about it right now and leave it for another day. he even informs him that Mike might tell everyone before Jonathan does, so he probably won't have to worry about it. They both settle into bed, Jonathan falls asleep quite fast. Will on the other hand? it takes him awhile as he is stressing out over where Eleven was taken to.

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