The Gate at Lover's Lake

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the group meets up at the basement once again per Dustin's request. we all sit around and Eddie and I sit a few people away but keep looking over at each other every so often.

Robin: "what did you call the meeting for, something happen?"

Dustin: "I have a theory"

Steve: "a theory? were looking for real information Henderson"

Dustin: "yea well, what if every time Vecna kills someone, a gate is opened?"

Y/n: "like the Demogorgon? that could be possible. lets pick a spot and go check it out." 

Lucas: "what if we do Lover's lake? Patrick was killed there."

we all grab some flashlight and the walkie talkies and head out to Lover's lake. Dustin also brings along this compass that is supposed to help. we start walking through the forest and it starts to freak out. Dustin runs a bit ahead of the group.

Dustin: "somethings happening"

Eddie: "Dustin? can you slow down? Dustin!"

Dustin: "I think were getting close!"

Eddie: "watch your step big guy" he stops Dustin minutes before he almost falls into the lake.

Steve: "oh man, you gotta be shitting me"

Robin: "Lovers lake.."

Dustin: "this is confounding"

Eddie uncovers a small boat and goes to put it into the lake for them to use. Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie each step inside the boat. Nancy looks at me and tells me to stay with the others. Absolutely not. If Eddie is going I am too, I go to step into the boat but am stopped.

Eddie: "y/n stay here. its not safe."

Y/n: "then your not going either" I whisper to him.

Eddie: "I will be back, just stay here, please." he whispers back.

Nancy:  "y/n he is right. you stay here with the others and keep an eye out."

Y/n: "what, no!"

Robin: "Y/n just listen ok. we are trying to protect you!"

I step off the boat and Nancy asks Dustin for his compass, he frowns but gives it to her. Steve throws Dustin his bag and pushes the boat off into the lake. they start to paddle to the middle of the lake, Eddie keeping eye contact with me until they reach further out to where we need binoculars to see them. Nancy starts to notice the compass flicking around really fast.

Steve: "woah.."

Lucas: "wait wait wait.. they're stopping!" *looking through binoculars*

Max: "what are they stopping for?"

Dustin radios them and asks what's going on over there and why they stopped the boat. Robin radios back saying the compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital aah. Steve starts taking shoes and socks off in the boat.

Nancy: "Steve what are you doing?:

Steve: "someone's gotta go down there and check it out. unless one of you three can top being a Hawkins high swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then.. its gotta be me. no complaints alright?"

Eddie: "hey.. I'm not complaining. I do not wanna go down there."

Dustin and Lucas are watching from afar and when Steve goes to take his shirt off, Lucas asks about when Steve got so hairy. Dustin agrees and says he told him to tame the jungle but he says the ladies dig it. Max asks to see and takes the binoculars, she stares for quite a while, Dustin , Lucas and I share a disgusted look. Max looks around at us.

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