Your Time is Ticking

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Back over with Steve, he is sitting in the Wheeler's basement with Max, Y/n, Eddie, and Dustin. they all talk amongst themselves while max is at a table writing.

Dustin: "has anyone seen Lucas lately?"

Steve: "actually now that you bring that up I have not."

All of a sudden the basement door opens and Lucas Sinclair comes walking down the stairs and jumps right onto the couch with the other. We all stare at him.

Dustin: "where the hell have you been?"

Lucas: "back to back practices"

Y/n: "started thinking you left us all for your new friends"

Lucas: "seriously guys? I wouldn't do that."

Steve: "that's debatable, you've changed a lot."

Y/n: "hey Max! Lucas is here!"

Max: "oh, I was starting to think he ditched us"

Steve: "looks like we all thought similar things"

Eddie and I sit on the floor by the table as we start playing a game of Jenga. He ends up being the first to knock it down. I laugh at him which causes him to playfully push my shoulder.

Eddie: "so.. how have you been?"

Y/n: "not that bad actually, just stressed over all this Vecna stuff."

Eddie: "Yea I get that. hopefully we can figure this all out."

Y/n: "hopefully. how about you?"

Eddie: "just been making new music for my band mostly, even though we can't perform right now."

The basement door swings open once again and Mike comes walking down the stairs looking absolutely furious. he crosses his arms and sits on the last stairway step.

Eddie: "what's up Mike" 

Mike: "I'm pissed off because nobody is worrying about Eleven other than me!"

Steve: "yea well what are we supposed to do about that one?"

Mike: "oh I don't know... FIND HER!?"

Y/n: "we are currently working on something a bit more important."

Mike: "seriously?"

Eddie: "as a matter of fact yes."

Y/n: "why don't you go ask Jonathan and Will for help?"

Mike: "why can't you guys just help?"

Eddie: "like your sister said, we are working on a more serious problem that needs fixing asap"

Mike screams at us for not helping or worrying about her and walks back upstairs, I hear him grabbing the house phone so he must be calling Jonathan and Will, which is his best bet if he is that worried. we would help but first of all we are on a life or death matter and Eleven got brought to prison and then who knows where after that. Will and Jonathan only told us what they could find out so we don't have much to go off in her case. Max gets up from her chair and walks over to us all and hands out letters to Me, Steve, Dustin, and Lucas. she hands Steve a few others and tells him to hand them out to Eleven, Mike, and Will when he see's them. Dustin goes to open his.

Max: "what are you doing? No, don't. that's not for now. don't open it now."

Dustin: "don't? okay.."

they all stare at each other confused.

Dustin: "I'm sorry.. what is this?"

Max: "it's um.. its a fail-safe for after. If things don't work out."

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