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We wake up around 11am and get up to get dressed for the day before heading downstairs to eat breakfast. of course after we eat actual food Eddie has to go hunting so I take him out and find someone for his drinking needs. he doesn't completely drain them but in order to cover it up he make them believe they got bit by some sort of animal. it takes about 25 minutes for him to control it this time, so were slowly getting there.

once we arrive back at the house Eddie goes to the bathroom to clean up a bit. he meets me in the basement with the others and sits right next to me with his arm around my shoulder. Will decides to sit near Robin since Eleven and Mike are sitting with each other like usual. Dustin opens a notebook in his lap and gets a pen prepared to write things down.

Lucas: "has anyone found anything new?"

Y/n: "I actually noticed something.. most of these creatures are from dnd."

Dustin: "I'm glad someone else noticed that. how do you know though? you don't play."

Mike: "after every campaign I tell her about it, even if she don't wanna hear it."

Steve: "okay anyway not important."

Max: "actually... hold on how exactly do you kill him in the game? maybe that's the key."

Eddie: "there's a lot of steps.. but it was good a good thought red."

Erica: "why did you call her red?"

Eddie: "cause her hair is red...?"

Nancy: "I mean it was a very good idea, but I don't think that's how this works."

Robin: "we're not in a game, this is real life. no dice rolling is gonna work."

Dustin: "hey! the game isn't just about rolling dice."

Y/n: "okay either way, we need to figure something out."

Eleven: "I could help?"

Steve: "no its to dangerous."

Mike: "she saved the world several times, she can handle it."

Eddie: "I could help as well, I just need to work on control a little more first."

Nancy: "Y/n and I will bring our guns."

Erica: "I'll distract with Lucas."

Lucas: "who said your coming?"

Erica: "I did, you guys need as many people as you can get."

Robin: "she is right. Steve, Dustin, and I will keep a look out for other creatures."

Mike: "what about Will and I?"

Y/n: "Mike you keep an eye on Eleven. Will you stick with me, okay?"

Mike & Will: "okay."

everyone leaves after that meeting to go work on powers, combat, how they will distract, all of that stuff. I take Eddie out to work on his control a little bit more but it takes the same exact amount it took this morning to get him to take control. this is gonna take a while, luckily we don't have to rush it much this time, we have a few days to work on it. he gets irritated so I drag him out to a party to distract him. we get drinks almost immediately but a guy ends up walking up to us.

??: "Y/n? I haven't seen you in forever"

Y/n: "I'm sorry.. who are you?"

Spencer: "its me, Spencer. you don't remember me?"

Y/n: "oh shit I'm sorry! I remember you now. you just look so different."

Spencer: "well yeah the last time we saw each other was when we were like 11 years old."

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