Enemies? Semi Friends?

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Y/n: "why do people call you the freak?"

Eddie: "huh?"

Y/n: "I'm curious, nobody just calls somebody that."

Eddie: "when my mother was killed I found her. the cops came and found me covered in blood."

Y/n: "and they thought you did it?"

Eddie: "mhm, but I only had her blood on me because I was holding her in my arms."

Y/n: "wow.. when did this happen?"

Eddie: "few years ago when I was in 8th grade."

I look at him and my eyes soften a bit. I feel bad for him right now.. I don't know if its because of the drinks I had or what. he looks at me and then looks down. after a few minutes of silence I come to the conclusion its definitely not the drinks, I genuinely feel bad for him.

Eddie: "the night at the park. I consider it my spot because that's where it happened."

Y/n: "that guy killed her at the park..?"

he nods at me and then goes to grab his drink again, he chugs it down like water. I should probably change the subject. before I can think of anything I hear Steve calling my name so I exit the pool to see what he needs. I walk over to him and he has a grin on his face. he picks me up and jumps into the pool, we swim to the surface and I hit him in a playful manner before laughing.

Nancy: "hey Robin, are they back together?"

Robin: "oh god no, Y/n told him to stop and keeps rejecting him"

Jonathan: "he still has feelings for her, its obvious."

Robin: "sucks to suck, he screwed it up and she doesn't want him anymore."

2 hours go by and everyone is getting ready to pack up and leave

I grab a fourth drink and shotgun it, Nancy looks at me entirely shocked with how much I drank. Nancy only drank one and so did Jonathan, Robin had two and a half, Steve had four just like me and I have no idea how much the rest had. Eddie walks up beside me and looks at me.

Eddie: "don't you think you've had enough?"

Y/n: "what are you my babysitter?"

Eddie: "I don't care about you enough for that"

Y/n: "obviously you care enough about how much I drink"

Eddie: "okay whatever, fuck off Wheeler"

Y/n: "gladly"

I turn around and stumble my way to Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve. The rest have all went home a bit before that encounter. I almost fall but Steve helps me balance myself by giving me his arm for support. Nancy laughs at that finding it hilarious.

Steve: "I got you"

Y/n: "okayy, you better not try anything Harrington"

Steve: "don't worry. I will respect your wishes."

Y/n: "good"

Nancy asks for Steve to help me to Jonathan's car so that he can drop Nancy and I off at the house. Steve does it with no questions asked. the minute I hit the seat I fall asleep instantly.

its now morning, I don't remember anything that happened after I got into Jonathan's car. I woke up in my bed confused with a major headache. on my nightstand is water and an ibuprofen. I take the pill immediately before getting ready.

I throw on a grey hoodie and jeans, brush my hair, my teeth, put deodorant on. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and grab sunglasses to hide my hangover. I walk downstairs to see my mom and Nancy at the table, Mike is in the living room watching television before school.

"Morning, I'm not very hungry so I'm just gonna head out." I tell them.

I exit the house and start walking to the school, Robin ditched today due to the party last night. my head is pounding so bad its horrible. after what felt like forever I reach the school a bit early and notice Max and Eddie talking. Max calls me over so I walk over to her.

Max: " hey Y/n, how you doing?"

Y/n: "my head is throbbing. I'm exhausted and feel like shit."

Eddie: "she drank a little more than her body could handle last night."

Max: "wait.. you guys were hanging out last night?"

Y/n: "no, there was a party at the pool for the older kids and we both were there"

Eddie: "apparently your a lightweight"

Y/n: "shut up. my head hurts"

Max: "anyway. we have another meeting soon, wanna join us?"

Y/n: "I guess. would be nice to know what's going on"

the bell rings and we all enter the building, I once again head to geometry which I have with Eddie. I end up accidentally falling asleep during class. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I jolt awake and turn around to Eddie.

"seriously? why did you wake me up" I barely mumble.

"you can't sleep during class" he taps me again as I go to put my head down.

"fuck off Munson" I turn around.

the bell rings and my eye sight goes blurry, making me drop to the floor. I feel a pair of hands helping me up or trying to anyway but its like my feet are glued to the floor at the moment. I can't hear anything at all I just see spots of color running around.

I black out and wake up in the nurses office. Munson is sitting in a chair in the small room I was placed in. we lock eyes for a second.

"well look who is alive" he says with sarcasm in his voice.

"the fuck happened" I fumble my words.

"you blacked out while exiting geometry class" he says.

oh great. but why is he here sitting in my room?

Eddie: "before you ask, yes. I brought you here. your welcome."

Y/n: "I didn't ask you to do that"

Eddie: "I know. just be appreciative"

Y/n: "no thank you. why are you still here?"

Eddie: "I don't really know"

I sit up on the bed I was placed on and grab my water bottle from my bag and chug it. I have a very strong thirst for water. I look back up at Eddie.

Eddie: "make sure you eat when you get home or you'll end up sick, not like I care but you know"

Y/n: "seriously go away, your annoying me"

Eddie: "I would love to. however the nurse told me to stay with you until you wake up"

Y/n: "well I'm awake so you can leave"

Eddie: "point taken"

he flips me off before walking out of the room. the nurse comes in and asks me questions and makes me eat some crackers because she thinks it was low blood sugar, good thing she doesn't know the true reason which is me being hungover. she releases me early so I can go home and rest, once I arrive home I sleep the day away and wake up around 8pm so I decide to take a walk to the park, I walk downstairs and let Nancy know before heading over.

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