Finding Eleven

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Back with Argyle, Will, Mike, and Jonathan. they are driving around looking for any trace of where Eleven could be at.

Argyle: "what are we looking for, my dudes?"               

Mike: "some sort of facility. A fence or a building"                                   

Will: "well any signs of life would be nice"                                                                           

Jonathan: "are you sure the measurements are right?"       

Mike: "yes they're right!"                                                                                              

Argyle: "you're 100%, right?"                                                   

Jonathan: "maybe latitude and longitude are wrong?"         

Mike: "are you really questioning Suzie?"     

Will: "she's a genius, Jonathan."             

Jonathan: "even geniuses make mistakes"   

Mike: "well she didn't"        

They decide to pull over before they get even more lost and take a look at the coordinates a bit better. Will, Mike, and Jonathan are all bickering back and forth on where to go. Argyle is roaming around the area.

"Yo dudes! come check this shit out!" Argyle calls out.

They all walk over and Argyle points at the sand which has tire tracks in it.

"these are no regular tire tracks, brochachos. I mean, look at the tread on these monsters. They're fatties. you know what that means?" he looks at Mike.

Mike: "Military."

Back with Eleven at the lab. Dr Brenner had walked in on Eleven after the whole thing went down in the rainbow room. he took her into a room and explained a few things to her. Eleven tells Papa that she wants to leave.

Dr Brenner: "I cant stop you from opening up that door, but you will not be able to find your way out of this desert to your friends alone. here is what we are going to do. You and I are going to complete our work together and when I decide that you are ready, we will return to Hawkins, together.

Eleven: "why are you doing this?"

Dr Brenner: "because there is no other choice"               

Eleven: "there is a choice."

Dr Brenner: "only one that is right"           

Eleven: "and you make the right choices?"   

Dr Brenner: "I try."           

Eleven: "did you make the right choices with Mama?"                                             


"your mother was sick, Eleven. she was a danger to herself and to others. she brought a gun into the hospital. she killed a man." He tells her.

Eleven: "Hospital?"
Dr Brenner: "No. I meant a prison."

"everything I have done was for your own good. For your own protection." he says.

Eleven: "and Henry? you kept Henry in that lab, with the children. was that for good. was that right?"   

Dr Brenner: "I had no idea what Henry would do. I cared for you and loved you all."         

Eleven: "even Henry?"                                                             

Dr Brenner: "yes. I was trying to help Henry, to understand him. I cared for him."       

Eleven: "even after what he did?"           

Dr Brenner: "yes, because I knew I had failed him."              

"so this morning, you said you believed he was always alive in the darkness. is that why I was searching the darkness? was I looking for him? For Henry?" Eleven asks.

"No. No. we were focused on the soviets. you knew that." he tells her.             

Eleven: "Papa does not tell the truth. Henry said that." 

Dr Brenner: "and now you trust Henry? Who's manipulated you like a puppet?"

"you are the one who released him from his prison. You. now you are angry with yourself and your taking your anger out on me and you're risking everything." Papa says.

"No, you. you have risked everything! You have lied! you made me look for him! the gate. the mind flayer.  so many dead and all because of you. you could not stop, you could not let him go. I came here to try and understand who I am. to see if I was the monster. now I know the truth. it is not me, it is you. you are the monster. I am going to open that door, and I am going to leave with Dr. Owens. if you try to stop me, I will kill you." Eleven turns to the door and tries to open it, the lights flicker and she screams.

After some time she awakens with some sort of tracking device on her neck which is locked. Dr Owens has awoken her and tells her they need to leave and that people are there to kill her. Dr Brenner is no where to be seen. However gunshots are everywhere as they slowly exit the room. Dr Owens sneaks Eleven to the door and tells her to leave. She walks out and surrounding her is a helicopter.

Mike, Will, Argyle, and Jonathan spot the helicopter and drive over slightly enough to see wahts going on.

Mike: "There she is!"                                                                                 

Jonathan: "where?"                                                                             

Mike: "on the ground!"   

Argyle: "what are those dudes doing on the ground? is that blood, man?"           

Will: "this isn't good.."

back with Eleven and the helicopter, the soldiers inside the helicopter are trying to aim at Eleven to take a shot at her. Eleven notices and goes to use her powers to make it steer out of control. she crashes the helicopter with her powers causing it to come crashing down with an explosion. Mike hops out of the vehicle and runs up to Eleven.

Mike: "Eleven!"
Eleven: "oh, mike!"                                                                              

they all exchange a hug with Eleven, and introduce Eleven to Argyle. Will and Eleven share a small bonded moment. they are very close and practically best friends so of course they have to share that type of moment after not seeing each other for so long. not long after Jonathan tells everyone to hop back into the vehicle because they have to go.

The collar on Elevens neck clicks open, she turns around and sees Dr Brenner on the ground with the remote, he is surrounded in a pool of blood. Eleven walks over and kneels before him, he tells her that he is proud of her and that everything he did was to protect her. they say goodbye and Eleven walks to the vehicle with the others.

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