The Apology

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Robin parks the car at the video store, we both walk inside and head to the back room to clock in for work. I start stocking new things up and Robin starts up the computer for the day.

"Good afternoon" Steve walks out of the storage room.

"Hi dingus. Your car is parked out front without any scratches." Robin tosses him his keys.

"alright good, I was scared it was gonna be destroyed." he jokes.

I continue stocking new supply as I ignore him. He walks behind me and taps my shoulder trying to get me to turn around. I continue doing what I am doing. Robin sighs and turns back to the computer.

"why wont you talk to me?" He leans against a shelf.

"don't wanna" I go to turn away.

"Y/N please." He grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"Steve. Let go." I look him straight in the eyes with vexation.

"just hear me out, please." he begs.

"you have 1 minute." I bite my cheek.

He stares at me for a second and then straightens his posture. He goes to talk but nothing comes out. Not even a sound. I shift onto my other foot waiting for him to start talking.

"I know I caused your heart to bleed and that I still owe you a reason" he sighs.

"mhm. and?" I roll my eyes.

"I don't know what my issue was. I was drinking, smoking, and hanging out with the wrong crowd. I should have listened to you ok? I should have dropped those people earlier on. I shouldn't have spoken to you the way I did that night and I shouldn't have walked away. I especially shouldn't have went and dated your sister after that either. It was completely wrong of me." his eyes sink looking at the floor before looking back up at me.

"kinda to late for the apology don't ya think? you did what you did and it can't be changed. You need to stop trying to contact me. Its getting real annoying." I turn back to the shelf and continue stocking.

"your starting to act obsessed Harrington" Robin adds to the conversation.

"shut up Robin. I just want another chance Y/N" he rests his hand on the shelf.

"seriously? no. you had three chances. this would be your fourth. how many chances do you need to get things correctly. I have no feelings for you anymore Harrington so just stop with this." I walk towards robin.

"Whatever." Steve goes back into the backroom to do inventory.

Robin and I stare at each other and roll our eyes at the same time. he's been acting like a lost puppy since I moved away. I just wanna move on and live my life this year and he just won't stop with his dumbass bullshit. its infuriating if you ask me. I don't mind being his friend but I don't want a romantic connection with him again.

"well that was interesting" robin chuckles.

"mhm." I mumble.

The door opens and people walk in. there is 4. A girl with short red hair, she is by herself. Then Lucas and Erica Sinclair. The 4th one is Eddie. Lucas and Erica call me over to them. Robin is getting asked questions by the girl with short red hair and gives me a thumbs up with a smile.

"oh shit the baddest bitch is back in town." Erica expresses with joy.

"Erica!" Lucas hits her hand.

"hi Erica, hey Lucas. what you guys doing here?" I lean against the counter.

"We heard you were in town and work here so we wanted to stop by." Lucas shrugs.

Erica: "Exactly. did you know I'm a member of the hellfire club?"

Y/N: "No way. I thought you hated that stuff?"

Erica: "nope, its actually fun and they needed one more member."

Y/N: "you any good?"

Erica: "you bet your ass I am." she puts her hand on her hip adding attitude to her body language.

"Erica language!" Lucas slaps her arm again.

"Just the facts" Erica replies.

I look up and notice Munson is looking at me. I lock eyes with him for a split second and then quickly look down and walk away. I walk to the back of the store and fix a messed up shelf. why can't people clean up their messes.

"Hey." I turn around to see Eddie.

"uh hi?" I turn back around to fix the knocked over things.

"its quite rude to look away when your talking to someone" he crosses his arms leaning on a shelf.

"didn't know we were talking." I look at him.

"funny." he rolls his eyes.

"what do you need?" I finish fixing the shelf and turn back around.

"any good things in here you would suggest?" he asks.

"Nope its all trash" I walk away.

I walk back to Robin and she tells me about the girl she was talking to. Her name was Vickie, she plays band and actually goes to our school. Robin seemed pretty happy and she said Vickie seemed into her. I told Robin about Lucas and Erica. we laughed about it because Erica has no filter at all and its funny with how old she is.

"what are you guys laughing about?" Steve comes back out.

"Erica. why were you back there for so long?" Robin asks.

"no reason." he shrugs.

Steve looks at me and I turn away from him and go to the computer to put in the computer what things were returned and what things were bought throughout the day. Not a lot of sales but we did okay. I think I could get used to working here, its not so bad actually.

"I'm gonna head home, see you tomorrow!" I wave to Robin.

"Alright, cya!" she waves back.

I start walking home. I have to walk about 10 minutes in order to get to my house from the video store which isn't bad. It's just very dark and kind of scary at night. I decide to hum a tune while I walk back to calm my nerves. I hum "Master of Puppets" from Metallica, its a good song. not my favorite but still good. I finally arrive home at eight at night.

"how was your first day of school and work?" Mom asks.

"fine." I head upstairs immediately.

I walk to my room and grab a nightgown from my wardrobe and change. I brush my teeth and wash my face for bed. I turn on my radio to a nice calming melody for bed. I toss and turn for a while as I can't fall asleep. I get out of bed and head to the living room to watch some television for awhile. when I turn it on the news comes up and people are talking about the hellfire club sounding like some type of ritual. I don't get why people think that at all honestly, like It's a weird name to choose for a dnd club but still its just people playing a game. I end up falling asleep on the couch while watching television.

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