It's my year

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its now graduation morning and Wayne is yelling at Eddie to look somewhat presentable for today since its not just a regular day at the school. I end up going to help Eddie find something nice to wear and help him style his hair nicely. Nancy and Robin are also getting ready in Nancy's room since they graduate this year as well. Jonathan is downstairs already dressed up and ready to finish his senior year too. Nancy and Robin both walk down first and Jonathan compliments Nancy and Nancy returns the favor back. recently Nancy and Jonathan got the news that they were both accepted into the college they wanted to go to together. they leave in a few weeks to head there.

I finish helping Eddie and we walk downstairs. Wayne takes a picture of Eddie and smiles. we all watch the four graduates take a group picture, Eddie didn't want to but Wayne forced him to. before we head out they all put on their cap and gown and then we head out to the school. the four of them head to the spots they need to be in for the ceremony and the rest of us all grab seats.

the ceremony starts.

"Good morning to the residents of Hawkins Indiana. we are celebrating the graduating class of 86' today. if everyone could stand up for the star spangled banner and the alma mater it would be greatly appreciated. after this, the ceremony will start."

we all stand up in respect to the flag and once it concludes we sit back down and the crowd goes silent. the start announcing the graduates one by one as they walk around the crowd and back to the stage to get their diploma. Robin is called first and I whistle while the others cheer, she walks around and goes up stage to get her diploma and pulls out a pride pin to stick to her gown. Jonathan is called second and we all cheer, Joyce cries as Jonathan walks around and reaches the stage as he looks up into the sky and gives a small smile.

Eddie is called third and I can't help but watch a small smile form on his lips as his eyes dart to mine. he walks around and stops at where I'm sitting, he leans down and kisses me in front of the whole school before walking to the stage. My face turns red and we all cheer for him like never before. he receives his diploma and flips the crowd off with a bright smile. last but not least is Nancy, she walks around and Jonathan smiles to her and gives her a flower before she walks to the stage. she gets her diploma and smiles for the photo. now each of them have officially graduated. we all get up and exit the crowd and head towards the front of the school.

I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and I turn around to see Eddie already taking off his cap and gown and handing it to Wayne. I laugh and he grabs my hand dragging me away from the others and away from the crowd.

Y/n: "where are we going?"

Eddie: "some place we can be alone for a second."

we walk and sit on a bench on the other side of the school and his eyes dart to mine, I look at him all confused on why he dragged me away from everyone. he grabs my hands and holds them in his with a smile on his face.

"okay.. don't interrupt me for a minute please. I know we have been through a lot and we weren't the nicest to each other when we first met but that's all changed now. I'm not good at showing my feelings but with this whole vampire thing and heightened emotions it kind of helps. I worry at night about the possibility of hurting you or you leaving me, I know your gonna say that neither of those will happens but it doesn't just stop me from thinking about it. if there is one thing in this entire world that I am afraid to lose, its you. I didn't think I would ever say this about anyone but.. I want to experience every single thing with you." he says as his eyes glisten in the sun.

"holy shit.. I don't know what to say?? I will always be by your side and help you through absolutely everything. I've been afraid to lose you for a long time, I mean I practically shut my body down when you supposedly died in the upside down because of how upset I was. I want you to be my firsts and my lasts. you really are my everything.." I smile as tears form from happiness.

Eddie: "promise me this is forever?"

Y/n: "I promise."

he puts his pinky out and I interlock mine with his, we kiss them to seal it with a smile. I go to get up but he stops me and grabs my hand. he takes off one of his rings and places it on my ring finger with a kiss. my eyes dart up to his and his face turns slightly red.

Eddie: "just until I can get you a real one..."

I smile and kiss him right away, he kisses me back with a smile. we walk back to everyone with our fingers intertwined. Max's eyes dart straight to us and run over.

Max: "so... did you do it?"

Eddie: "yep.. I gave her one of my rings until I get her a real one.."

Y/n: "you knew?"

Max: "we all did, he didn't really keep it a secret."

Eddie: "well.. it appears that it really was my year"

everyone laughs with pure joy. we all then head back to the house and Joyce and Hopper make everyone food to eat. I go upstairs to go in my closet and grab something, Eddie follows.

Eddie: "why do you have adoption papers...?"

Y/n: "they are for Max... I can legally adopt her so I did.."

Eddie: "woah.. okay"

Y/n: "is that okay?"

Eddie: "I mean yeah, she's a good kid."

Y/n: "good because if were forever, you best accept it."

we walk downstairs and I see max on the couch and everyone stares at me holding the paper. the room goes silence as most know what I am about to hand her. I walk over and stop in front of her as I place it in her hands.

Max: "what's this?"

Y/n: "read it"

Max looks at the paper and then back up at me with tears forming in her eyes.

Max: "you actually adopted me?"

Y/n: "of course I did, your like my family"

Max: "thank you.."

she gets up and pulls me into a hug as her tears fall down. everyone cheers and joins the hug as they turn it into a group hug. once everyone steps back Eddie comes up to us.

Eddie: "looks like your part of our family now"

Y/n: "I don't even have your last name Eddie"

Eddie: "you will at some point."

Max: "at least I got my two favorites."

Steve: "excuse me? what am I chopped liver!"

Max: "precisely"

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