Not so bad after all

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I hop out of bed once my alarm goes off and get ready for the day like usual. I go downstairs and tell my mother that I am going to Max's house. She then complains how I am almost never home anymore. I will never understand her, one second she complains I'm always home and the next she starts complaining that I'm never home. I exit into the garage and grab my bike since Nancy isn't available to drop me off and I haven't gotten my permit yet. Crazy right? I'm 17 and still don't have it.

I arrive at Max's trailer and go to knock on the door. her mother answers the door and informs me that Max has went on a walk around town and that she will be back later on. I thank her and head back to my bike, right as I'm about to ride off I hear my name being called from behind me, I turn around and its Eddie sitting on a picnic table with a cigarette in his mouth. He calls me over to him.

"hey, what you doing?" he asks.

"was coming to visit Max but she went on a walk" I say looking back at her trailer.

"so what you gonna do now?" he asks.

"probably just go to the junkyard or something" I shrug.

"why don't you hang out with me?" he suggests.

"now why would I hang out with you?" I respond turning towards him.

"I mean I don't know, just was a suggestion" he says blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"I guess, only cause I'm really bored though" I cough inhaling smoke.

"so you think I'm fun?" he raises an eyebrow.

"I never said that" I sit on the picnic table with him.

we talk for quite some time, it actually turns out to be quite enjoyable. why did I ever dislike talking with him? he's pretty nice actually and is down to earth. he tells me about dnd, usually I never care about dnd but he's very passionate about that game by how he speaks about it. Its fascinating how one can be so interested in such a game.

"hey did you wanna go inside? it looks like a storm is coming" he asks, seeing dark clouds coming in.

'sure... but shouldn't you be at the hideout?" I hesitate before getting up and following him.

"technically yes but the cops left here earlier so I decided to come hang out" he says.

once we walk into the trailer an older guy turns around and looks between Eddie and I before going to sit on the couch in the living room. he looks at Eddie and asks who I am.

"this is y/n wheeler" Eddie introduces me.

"nice to meet you y/n I'm Eddie's uncle, Wayne" he puts his hand out to shake mine.

"its nice to meet you as well" I smile and shake his hand.

"I will be out of here soon, don't you kids worry" he says turning the television on.

"oh its alright, I won't be staying long" I inform him.

"my uncle works night shifts so either way he will be leaving" Eddie says.

"oh, alright that would explain why I've never seen him till now" I state.

Eddie brings me into his room, its kind of a mess not gonna lie. bottles everywhere and clothes randomly thrown on the floor. he seems to have a love for music as I notice a guitar on one side of his room. looking to another side of the room I see handcuffs hanging from his bedframe... that's an interesting accessory.

"just don't mind the mattress, I need to get a new one." he says awkwardly.

"oh um... do I even wanna know what those stains are" I point at the bed.

"can we not talk about that, thanks. I have to get a new one" he seems embarrassed.

"okay... you play guitar?" I ask.

"yep, I'm in a band actually" he says as he rubs behind his neck.

we both sit down in a clean area of his bedroom floor, getting to know each other a bit better for what feels like hours. we sit there and just make jokes about things which is nice. I thank him for all the times he has kind of helped me in a way whether it was at the family video getting that creep away from me or helping me with the Mike situation at the lake. he shrugs saying it was no problem at all. I look up at him and we exchange eye contact. my heart rate starts picking up faster by each minute, and I can feel my cheeks burn.

"hey, you ok? your turning bright red" he tilts his head.

"oh yes! I uh should probably head home.. don't wanna get locked out again." I chuckle and run out.

what the fuck was that? I had this weird feeling in my body and everything was tingling when we had made eye contact. I run back to my bike and hop on quickly as I ride back home. Once arriving I rush back into the house and into my room. I hear someone following behind me.

"Y/n?? you okay??" Nance says turning me around to face her.

"I don't know" I sit on my bed.

"why? what happened??" she sits next to me.

"I was with Eddie and we made eye contact and my heart rate was increasing drastically and my body was tingling, it felt so weird!" I tell her.

She stares at me.

Y/n: "what?"

Nancy: "Y/n... those are such obvious signs"

Y/n: "signs to what?"

Nancy: "seriously? you like him!"

Y/n: "I mean he is chill, I guess I never had a reason to dislike him"

Nancy: "not in that way y/n, you are falling for him. like falling in love"

I stare at her and laugh.

Y/n: "definitely not"

Nancy: "y/n I'm serious"

Y/n: "how can I like him? I've only known him for like a little under a month."

Nancy: "sometimes things just happen"

Y/n: "I do not like him though"

Nancy: "whatever you say y/n"

Y/n: "I don't! we literally just started getting along. there's no way!"

Nancy looks at me and shrugs saying give it some time and I'll accept it. there's nothing to accept! I don't like him like that and I never will. I have only known him for a little while and we are just now starting to get along and become possible friends. I realized he isn't so bad tonight and that maybe I should start being a little bit nicer though, but that's all. whatever, Nancy will realize she is wrong. maybe I was panicking or something, but it definitely was nothing like she thinks. I change into bed clothes and get into bed, there's no way. right? I ask myself before falling asleep.

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