Happy Ever After

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its been a month now and Nancy and Jonathan are off to their college. Robin and Eddie decided to not go to college because they had enough with schools. Robin continues to work at the Video store and Eddie is back to doing dnd and gigs. Max has been adjusting greatly to being adopted. we did some renovations to the house so that Max had her own space. We made the basement into a bedroom for Mike so his room is now downstairs. Max has Mike's old room and got to paint and decorate it the way she wanted. we then redecorated my room to fit both Eddie and I's style and personality into it which wasn't hard.

we made more closet space and he brought over his clothes and other stuff he needs. Wayne now has a new trailer that he lives in since his got destroyed. they bulldozed the trailer park and recreated it all. Steve continues to work at the video store with Robin and helps her earn the money and teach her how to drive so she can get a permit and her license. Corroded Coffin hangs out at the house a lot in the backyard by the pool and the shed to practice for gigs.

I walk downstairs to see Eddie waiting at the table.

Eddie: "morning Beautiful"

Y/n: "oh morning.. when did you get up?"

Eddie: "little while ago, I wanted to bring you somewhere."

Y/n: "oh okay, let me go get dressed then."

Eddie: "wear something nice!"

I walk upstairs and find a dress to wear so I put it on and do a small amount of makeup before walking downstairs. Eddie intertwines his fingers with mine as we walk to the park, when we arrive almost everyone is there. I look around confused.

Y/n: "what's going on?"

Robin: "turn around.."

I turn back to see Eddie on one knee with a ring box in his hand, my eyes start to fill with tears as I realize what's actually happening.

"Y/n Wheeler. I told you on graduation that I would get you a real ring and I finally have. I'm not really sure how these usually go but.. will you marry me and become Y/n Munson?" he asks.

"Um are you kidding? of course!" I say with tears falling down my cheek. he gets up and moves the ring he gave me onto a different finger and places the engagement ring on my ring finger. before I know it he picks me up and spins me before kissing me as everyone throws little rose petals around us. we pull away and see max smiling at us so we gesture her to come over.

Eddie: "hey now, I don't need both of you getting emotional"

Max: "I'm just so happy for you both"

Y/n: "yea? well your part of this little family"

we all hug each other and then Eddie turns to me to wipe my tears and embraces me in a hug. I thought coming back to Hawkins was gonna be the worst decision of my life, I guess I was wrong. it turned out to be the best decision of my life instead.

Wayne comes in with the clicking of the camera as we all laugh. he gives us all a hug and looks at Eddie with an approving look.

Wayne: "you chose the right one"

Eddie: "I think I did too"

Wayne: "welcome to the family Y/n"

Y/n: "thank you! I'm glad to be part of it."

Max: "this year was really the year.."

Eddie: "it sure was"

we all head back to the house and end up chilling by the pool, Eddie invites the members of Hellfire and Corroded Coffin members over to celebrate as well. I go talk to Robin, Joyce, Max, and Nancy who came back from college for this moment. Eddie goes to talk to Mike, Lucas, Jeff, Gareth, and once again the guy who never told his name.

Gareth: "I never thought you would be to type to settle down"

Eddie: "well surprise. I found a special girl"

Jeff: "so does this mean no more dnd?"

Eddie: "possibly.. might have to hand that over to someone else."

Mike: "you don't have to until you actually start a family"

Unnamed: "exactly your not even in your old age yet, calm down"

Eddie: "alright I'll stick with it but it's not gonna be all the time"

Gareth: "that's fine. what about the band?"

Eddie: "we can still do that."

Lucas: "I wish Will and Eleven were here to see all this."

Mike: "me too.."

I'm talking with the girls about everything and all of a sudden I feel two hands with cold rings pick me up and throw me into the pool with him. I turn around and he is laughing.

Y/n: "your an idiot, Munson"

Eddie: "I'm your idiot, and now your a freak too"

Y/n: "I'm okay with that"

Dustin: "get a room!"

Joyce: "Dustin, leave the lovebirds alone"

we swim to the stairs and climb out of the pool, we both grab a towel and go to dry off. Steve walks up to us.

Steve: "well how its feel going into senior year engaged?"

Y/n: "pretty damn good"

Eddie: "we might be officially married by then.. who knows"

Steve: "you really love her huh?"

Eddie: "of course I do"

Y/n: "if he didn't then none of this would have happened."

Steve: "fair point. well just don't hurt her, ok?"

Eddie: "I would never in a million years."

within a few hours the sky was taken over by darkness and stars. everyone looks up as fireworks start to go off as Wayne lights them all up. everyone is having a good time and chatting with people. Eddie turns my head so that I'm looking at him.

Eddie: "question, what did you wish for on your birthday?"

Y/n: "I wished to be with you forever"

Eddie: "I thought so"

we both smile and I lean my head on his shoulder as he plants a soft kiss on my lips to end the night with as the last few fireworks go off. everyone congratulates us one more time before heading home and then I make dinner for Mike, Max, Eddie, and I. after dinner everyone washes up and heads to their bedrooms.

Eddie pulls me close as soon as I hit the bed and snuggles his head into my neck as he gently slides his fangs across my neck and then he plants a kiss right where he broke skin a few days ago, he still feels bad about that but I told him its fine.

Eddie: "I love you.."

Y/n: "I love you too, now go to bed"

Eddie: "fine lets sleep. goodnight darling."

we cuddle up to each other and drift off to bed. Max stays up a bit to play video games before she goes to bed and Mike stays up to read letters Eleven sent him a few months ago before he goes to bed. by 11pm the house is silent and everyone is asleep.

people say Eddie Munson is a freak but I got to see the real him and so did several others who believed him and spent their time with him. playing a fantasy game and being different from others is a unique thing. he didn't open up much before the battle in the upside down and that was fine, at least he knew I was there anyway. After the battle and him becoming a vampire, everything changed in mostly a good way. I'm proud to say that Eddie Munson may be a freak to people but if anything, he's my freak.

Eddie's last thought:

A cheerleader and the freak. shocking right? I was surprised as well and I actually still am. most people never understood me and that's okay because I had my small little circle and I was fine with that. Then walked in Y/n wheeler, at first we didn't like each other much until we got to know each other better. I'd like to say she brought me into the light as I'm seen as the freak and the outcast. I'm happy to say that 86' was actually my year. all thanks to this one girl who holds my heart. now we are forever.

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