Ending page/Author Note

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Hello readers,

This story has officially been finished and there will no longer be anymore parts published. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it and coming up with pieces and ideas for the story. I don't write much on Wattpad so I appreciate the people who take the time out of their day to read my stories. I hope you all enjoyed the little Kas Theory twist added into it. I know majority of us were devasted when we found out Eddie had died in the finale. (I actually still have hope about the Kas Theory but that's besides the point.) I liked the theory so much that I just had to add it into the story. If you didn't like it, I sincerely apologize as it was hard to write the story the way I wanted it to be written.

Thank you for being patient with each part that came out. the last time I wrote a story was in 2020 which was "The Slytherin Boy.." based on Harry Potter and that one is a love story about Draco Malfoy. That one was rushed unfortunately and I didn't actually think of how the story was gonna turn out beforehand unlike this one that I took my time with and thought about ideas beforehand.

like I said before some of the characters in here may have acted differently than in the show and some characters might not even be mentioned. as well as I put my own scenes and twist into it. either way, I hope you like how it was. I tried to show majority of what I wanted to be shown in the story. thank you again for reading this. I appreciate every single one of you. I don't write much but if you want me to write more stories I gladly will but give me ideas on different tropes and I will try my best. Have a wonderful summer break. <3

-from the author

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