Unexpected Events

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Back In Hawkins. Nancy and I wake up to the phone in her room ringing. she picks it up and it ends up being Jonathan, I walked back to my room to give them privacy. they ended up talking for like 30 minutes because they missed each other. before Jonathan had ended the call he told her that they have found Eleven and that they will be back in Hawkins in a few days or so and about everything this guy at the lab told Eleven.

An hour later I hear a small tap on my window so I go over to investigate. I see Eddie literally outside my window so I quickly open it and pull him inside before he falls down. Looking closer at him I notice he has cuts on his face.

Y/n: "what the fuck are you doing??"

Eddie: "coming to see you"

Y/n: "well lets not climb up to a second story window next time!"

Eddie: "it was fun though"

Y/n: "yea okay, um Eddie?"

Eddie: "yea?"

Y/n: "why do you have cuts and stuff on your face?"                                                                                           

Eddie: "oh no reason, just was being dumb is all."

I brush it off and try to believe that was the reason. I hear Nancy walking downstairs and remember that Steve, Robin, Max, and Dustin were coming over today. they must be here already.

Eddie: "you know its hard not kissing you in front of everybody and showing them your all mine."

Y/n: "well.. we could always just come out with it?"

Eddie: "well do you want to?"

Y/n: "yea. I don't wanna keep it a secret anymore."

I head downstairs and Eddie climbs back out the window to make it seem like he just got here, he knocks on the door and I let him in. he said he had a fun way to let them know that we were together. hopefully I don't regret this plan.

Max: "look who decided to join us"

Y/n: "sorry, I was busy."

Steve: "with?"

Y/n: "something"

Nancy: "Y/n were you on the phone with someone, I heard you talking when I walked by."

Y/n: "oh.. yea I was!"

Robin: "you have a secret lover or something?"

Max: "I doubt that, she rejects literally everyone."

Eddie: "not everyone"

Steve: "hasn't she basically already rejected you by staying friends only. therefore she has"

Eddie: "except... I own her and have for some time now."

Steve, Robin, Dustin, and Max all look at him. I cough trying to break the awkwardness.

Robin: "you own her? please. she's not a dog."

Y/n: "he didn't mean it that way.."

Nancy: "then how else did he mean it y/n?"

Y/n: "uh... yea I am just gonna stay quite."

Steve: "what did you mean with that statement then, Munson?"

Eddie: "well, I own her in bed. she does as I say."

Dustin: "oh my god. to much information!"

Max: "I thought you were just friends!!"

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