Birthday girl

18 0 0

I wake up to Mike and Nancy dancing around the room singing Happy birthday to me.

Eddie: "what is going on.. I'm trying to sleep."

Nancy: "its your girlfriends birthday!"

Eddie jolts up and looks around and then at me. Mike and Nancy tell me to get dressed and head downstairs. we both climb out of bed and get ready for the day but Eddie seems like he's in a hurry for some reason.

Eddie: "I will be back a bit later okay? I have to go do something."

Y/n: "oh okay, be safe."

He runs out of the room and down the stairs as he exits the house. I wonder where he is going, he doesn't usually hunt without me but maybe he wants to try it alone. Either way I head downstairs to Max, Will, Steve, Robin, Dustin, Nancy, Mike, Eleven, and Jonathan all in the living room as they all shout happy birthday to me. I'm officially 18 today so that's always nice, I'm now an adult.

Max: "your now legally an adult, you can legally adopt me now."

Y/n: "haha very funny Max."

Steve: "good morning birthday girl."

Will: "we made breakfast already and Nancy made your plate."

Y/n: "aww thank you guys!"

Nancy: "no problem, welcome to adulthood."

Jonathan: "happy birthday, majority of us got you gifts which are on the table."

Eleven: "you should open mine first!"

Robin: "bitch, your now one year closer to being old."

Y/n: "oh please, I'm only 18 its not that old."

Dustin: "has Eddie said anything to you yet?"

Y/n: "no, he left in a hurry this morning and said he would be back."

Mike: "maybe he went hunting or something"

Steve: "but Y/n usually goes with him"

Y/n: "who knows either way, lets get eating and gift opening."

I go grab my plate that Nancy made which has a muffin on it, scrambled eggs, and sausage. possibly the best breakfast out there. Once we all finish eating I sit on the couch and open all the gifts given. Max got me a new band tee which I love. Will and Jonathan combined their gift and got me a bag of candy since they know I have a sweet tooth. Steve got me a chain bracelet and from Robin I got a necklace with a heart on it. Nancy ended up giving me money to buy whatever I wanted. Eleven got me a bracelet to match her and Dustin said he had a gift but it broke so he gave me a hug instead, which is fine. I didn't think I would get gifts from everyone, I would have been fine with only a couple.

I head upstairs to bring all the items into my room and see a note placed on my bed. I go to open it and it says "Meet me in the woods with the bench" signed by Eddie. I put everything away and then head downstairs to thank everyone and tell them that I'll be back and where I'm going. I make my way to the woods and spot Eddie sitting on the bench.

Y/n: "you wanted to meet here?"

Eddie: "yea, I have something for you. I may have not known it was your birthday so I apologize"

Y/n: "oh? you didn't have to get me anything. its alright, I promise."

Eddie: "No I had to, I wanted to actually."

Y/n: "oh okay... I thought you didn't celebrate birthdays"

Eddie: "I don't care for them but I'll always celebrate yours."

he tells me to put out my hand so I do. he then puts his over mine and places something in it. I open my hand to see a necklace with a guitar pick, almost identical to his but it has our initials engraved in a heart. I smile and look up at him, he is fiddling with his rings.

Y/n: "did you make this?"

Eddie: "uh yea.. if you don't like it then its fine. I'll just take it back."

Y/n: "I love it Eddie, mind putting it on me?"

He smiles and gets up to walk behind me, I hand it to him and he connects it around my neck. I turn around and give him a kiss which makes him smile wider. I intertwine my hand with his, feeling the coldness from his rings as he rubs his thumb over my fingers. we walk back to the house and walk inside. Nancy and Eleven are in awe as they look at us both.

Nancy: "so where did you go this morning?"

Eddie: "went to make Y/n something.. didn't really know it was her birthday."

Steve: "damn.. how did you not know your girlfriends birthday."

Y/n: "Steve shut up, we never told each other when they were."

Eleven: "well what did he make you?"

I point at the necklace.

Robin: "he made that??"

Eddie: "Yea I did, just like I made mine."

Max: "I think that's sweet"

Dustin: "this is to much love, get a room!"

Will: "says the one who has a song with his girlfriend."

Dustin: "can we please just forget about that already?"

Steve: "never, its hilarious."

"Turn around, look at what you seeee. in her face, the mirror of your dreams. make believe I'm everywhere, given in the light. written on the pages is the answer to a Never ending storyyy!"

we all sing out teasing him.

Eddie: "I'm sorry, what just happened?"

Y/n: "its a song Dustin and his girlfriend Suzie sang together"

Eddie: "seriously Henderson? you sang that?"

Dustin: "unfortunately yes."

Mike: "speaking of have you been talking to her?"

Dustin: "yes, I have don't worry."

Max: "good because when she doesn't hear from you, she contacts all of us."

for the rest of the day we all sat around having as much fun as we could. at around 8pm they took a cake and placed it on the table with a candle that says 18. Eddie lights his with a lighter and everyone sings to me and I blow them out. we all eat cake and chat a little bit more.

Eleven: "what did you wish for?"

Jonathan: "she can't say"

Eleven: "why not?"

Robin: "its bad luck, if you say it then it most likely wont happen."

Will: "well whatever you wished for Y/n, I hope it happens"

Y/n: "yea.. me too"

the end of the night arrives and majority head home. Max stays the night again and sleeps on a blow up mattress in my room. lately she has been staying with Eleven so I'm glad she has a good support system.

Max: "alright you two, no funny business!"

Eddie: "I can't promise that"

Y/n: "Eddie!"

Eddie: "I was joking! we won't do anything."

Max: "good, thanks. night you guys."

Y/n: "night Max"

Eddie: "night Red."

Eddie rests his head on my chest and we fall asleep almost instantly. the day was fun but was super exhausting. I believe tomorrow we are executing the plan so I'm happy we had a fun night before it all happened. Max also fell asleep quite quickly. when we awaken we all hear a lot of yelling coming from downstairs. Max heads to the bathroom to change while Eddie and I change and get ready for the day. then we all head downstairs to see what's going on.

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