Never have I ever

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I wake up to screaming coming from downstairs, I throw on new clothes and put on deodorant. I rush down the stairs without brushing my hair and teeth worried something bad is going on. reaching the bottom of the stairs I look over and see Nancy hugging Jonathan Byers. oh yea, I forgot they got together. I spin around to see Will Byers staring right at me. Will is another close friend of Mike's and is best friends with Eleven, Will is Jonathan's younger brother.

"you look like hell" Will said looking at my hair.

"thanks. it took 7 hours to get it to look like this" I exaggerate.

"hey Y/N, good to see you again" Jonathan says.

"yea you too. I thought someone was dying down here" I head back to the staircase.

"that's my bad. Jonathan surprised me." Nancy apologizes.

I head back upstairs and head to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth since I was woken up earlier than I wanted to be. it may be 10am but I prefer sleeping in especially on weekends. who cares if its a Sunday, doesn't mean I have to be productive. I finish getting ready and head back downstairs.

"Y/N are you coming to the party?" Jonathan asks.

"what party?" I asked.

"it's a party being thrown at the community pool. only for the older kids." Will tells me.

"oh, who else is coming?" I ask.

"Robin, Steve, Me, Nancy, Eddie, Argyle, and Eden." He replies.

we told them about the whole Eddie thing so it was actually quite nice of them to make it at night so he can come and not get caught.

"wait who the fuck are Argyle and Eden?" I ask confused as hell.

"oh yea, we met them in California. long story really." he says.

"uh sure" I respond with a smile.

throughout the day I hangout with Dustin trying to figure out this whole thing on what happened to Chrissy. He talked to Eddie about it and apparently she was having nosebleeds, headaches, and was seeing things that weren't really there. We talked to Max about this as well and apparently Max is going through the same things and has been for a while. Eddie said the last time he saw Chrissy for a deal was a few days before her death and she had said something about a clock.

Dustin decides to talk with Max, Mike, Lucas, Erica, Eddie, Nancy, Steve, And Robin about it all. why? no idea really. they had like a whole 2 hour meeting about it. they said they would continue with the talk about it another day since the party is coming up and all the older kids are heading out to it.

we all head over to the community pool which has lights set up, a food stand, and drinks set out in a cooler. everyone gets into their bathing suits and does there own little thing. Nancy and Jonathan go sit on the edge of the pool. Steve goes to get a drink. Eddie is just standing in the corner not socializing at all. Robin comes and stands with me, some guy with extremally long hair and a girl with short black hair come up to us.

"who are you?" I ask with curiosity.

"Eden." says the girl.

"name is Argyle" says the guy.

"oh okay cool. your pretty Eden" I compliment her.

"thanks, so are you." she says with a small smile.

"do you know Dustin?" she asks me.

"Henderson? yea. how do you?" I question back.

"he's dating my sister Suzie. she wants me to tell him to radio her back." she laughs.

"oh wow, alright I'll let him know" I smile.

I look over at the guy who is looking around like he's in space. is he ok? he seems entirely out of it. I look at his eyes and realize what's going on quite instantly. He is high. of course. Steve yells across the pool asking if anyone wants to play never have I ever.  everyone agrees so we all form a small circle around the pool edge and put up 5 fingers.

"Never have I ever.. gotten a tattoo." Steve says.

I put a finger down, Robin puts a finger down, Eden puts one down and so does Eddie.

"Never have I ever flirted with a customer at work" Is what I decided to do.

Robin and Steve both put a finger down.

"Never have I ever.. smoked." Robin says.

Eden, Eddie, Jonathan, Argyle, and Steve put a finger down.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping" Nancy said.

Steve and I put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had a sibling" Argyle says.

Eden, Jonathan, Nancy, and I all put a finger down.

"Never have I ever.. played dnd" Jonathan does for his.

Eddie puts a finger down.

"Never have I ever had a one night stand" Eden shrugs.

Eddie, Steve, and Robin all put a finger down.

"Never have I ever been suspended" Eddie says.

Steve puts a finger down.

We all laugh and grab some drinks, apparently they were able to get alcohol and stuff. I grab a cup and sit on the edge of the pull drinking it while humming a tune to "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off" by Jermaine Stewart.

Eddie walks over and sits down next to me on the pool edge which confuses me. why is he sitting next to me? there are several other people here and several other places he can sit. he looks over at me for a second and then looks away.

"what are you doing" I look at him.

"sitting" he answers after taking a sip of his drink.

"no fucking shit. why are you sitting here?" I ask.

"I mean why not" he looks at me.

"because there are several other spots and other people you can sit with" I look around.

"I only really know you and sitting in the corner got boring" he states.

"you don't know me at all, you just know my name." I bite my cheek.

"I know you have an attitude problem" he chuckles.

I look back at him and roll my eyes with that statement. I need another drink. I call out for Robin to get me another and she does exactly that and hands it to me before going back to talk with Argyle and Steve.

"why the attitude?" he asks.

"I don't know what your talking about" I sip my drink.

"mhm course you don't" he kicks his feet lightly in the water.

"you have a tattoo?" he looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"mhm, can you shut up?" I slide away from him a bit.

"nah" he slides off the edge and into the pool.

He swims around the pool for quite some time before coming back over by the area I'm sitting at. he puts his arms on the edge and floats there while looking at me. it's like he's trying to read me or something. I take another sip of my drink, a long one this time before someone asks if I want another. I say yes and I get a third one. he stares at the drink in my hand.

"you sure you can handle a third?" he raises an eyebrow.

"course I can" I say swaying back and forth as I drink it.

after a while I finish that one and slide off the edge and into the pool, I swim around a little bit. Eddie still has his eyes on me I can feel them burning into my back. I turn around and swim back towards the edge where he is still floating. I put my arms on the edge and lay my head on them as I float. we just stare at each other for a second in silence. everyone else is chatting with each other and have started to enter the pool as well.

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