Bite me

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Y/n: "well lets head back and then we can bring you hunting"

Eddie: "I don't think I'll make it there.. I'm about to lose control Y/n"

Y/n: "give me your hands"

Eddie: "I don't wanna touch you right now.. I can't hurt you"

Eddie's body starts to give out from exhaustion as he blacks out and falls into my arms. I quickly put his head on my lap and wait patiently for his eyes to slowly open back up. they do after some time and I look at him worried and start to think.

"you need blood fast, your strength and everything is gone. just bite me okay? I'm giving you permission. I will be fine I promise. you need it in your system." I say sitting him up a bit.

"No. I wont do it" he says turning his head away.

"Eddie please, just do it. I promise, I wont hate you for doing it. I am literally giving you permission. we need you to be able to walk and gain strength back." I turn his head back to me.

Eddie: "fine.. but I'm gonna hate this"

I pull him towards me and he tries to gently sink his fangs into my shoulder as he breaks the skin. blood comes gushing from my shoulder and he gulps it down with no issues. he pauses to look up at me with tears in his eyes, I nod so he continues until he gets what he needs. we wait for it to kick in and then he stands up, my vision goes blurry from the blood loss and when he realizes, his eyes dilate and turn back to normal. it's the fastest he's ever controlled that.

the others bring Will and Elevens body back through the gate and throw sheets over their bodies. Dustin disconnects the broadcast after saying something to the camera.

Dustin: "I hope that was enough proof."

we all bring everything back and Eddie helps me through the portal and back to the house. he brings me up to the bedroom and leaves to get me food and such. he comes back in and puts it on the nightstand. I eat a little bit of It as he climbs onto the bed with me with a guilty look on his face.

Y/n: "no feeling guilty"

Eddie: "I never wanted to drink from you.."

Y/n: "its fine I promise. you needed to plus it didn't even really hurt which shocked me."

Eddie: "I tried to make it painless... at least that worked"

I finish eating and pull him towards me but he hesitates at first. I tug him again and he gives in to laying on me. I run my hand through his hair and try to comfort him.

Eddie: "I should be comforting you"

Y/n: "I'm okay. besides your emotions are heightened."

Eddie: "I don't know if becoming a vampire was a bless or a curse."

Y/n: "could be both but its whatever you see it as"

Dustin comes barging in screaming which causes Eddie and I to cover our ears.

Y/n: "why are you screaming!"

Dustin: "Eddie's name is cleared and people believe us after the broadcast!"

Eddie: "that's nice.. but we're trying to have a moment Henderson. you mind?"

Dustin: "oh right.. my bad"

Eddie looks back at my shoulder and I turn his head so he's looking at me.

Y/n: "stop, I trust you okay?"

Eddie: "okay.. I love you"

Y/n: "I love you too"

I kiss his forehead and he kisses where he broke the skin on my shoulder.

after an hour we finally decide to head downstairs to see Joyce, Jonathan and Hopper here. Mike tells Hopper about Eleven and Nancy tells Jonathan and Joyce about Will. the room is filled with tears as soon as the news is given. Max hands Hopper the hair tie that he gave Eleven to wear. Dustin tells Joyce and Jonathan that Will told us to tell them that he loved them. the cops show up after some time and come to see the bodies under the tarps and apologize to Eddie about the accusations. The funeral home comes over to pick the bodies up in a hearse and drive away leaving their families broken.

it's now been a month and a half, they decided to wait on the funerals so everyone was available. we all dressed in black and head over to the cemetery where several Hawkins residents are laid to rest. We listen to the speech about Will and Eleven and then watch as they are lowered down. everyone placed something on the casket whether it was flowers or something else before it went down. Joyce and Hopper go around to hug everyone and thank them for coming. Jonathan sticks around Nancy as he hold his emotions in pretty well but Nancy can tell he's upset.

in a week and a half there is the class of 86' graduation ceremony. Wayne is happy for Eddie and so am I. he deserves the entire world if not more. we have been through a lot but I can confidentially say meeting Edward Munson was probably the best thing to ever happen to me even if we met on the wrong foot. Eddie even got to meet Joyce and Hopper at the funerals and they think he's a good one. this year has been a rollercoaster with all the deaths and monsters, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

we all hung out at the roller rink that night as a celebration of Will and Elevens life. we all knew they loved to skate. hopefully they are both skating together in heaven now. Will deserved so much more than he got in this life. Eleven was a real life super hero and to us, she always will be. Will never even got to come out to the rest of the group and he never got to be In a loving relationship that he deserved more than anything, no matter who it be with. Eleven might have found love, saved people, and made forever friends but.. she never got to finish that life.

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