Getting Prepared

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Eddie goes into your bedroom and grabs you new clothes to change into. He walks back over to the bathroom and knocks on the door, there's no response from you. he opens the door to see you sitting on the shower floor crying. putting the clothes onto the counter he rushes over to you and turns the shower off as he pulls you into his arms with a towel.

Eddie: "hey.. what's the matter."

Y/n: "I just killed someone... I'm a murderer."

Eddie: "don't call yourself that, your not a murderer."

Y/n: "I am. I just killed Jason!"

Eddie: "calm down, it's okay. we can figure something out."

Y/n: "I should just turn myself in."

Eddie: "you are not doing that. did you get rid of his body?"

Y/n: "no.. I cleaned my DNA away the best I could and made it seem like a suicide."

Eddie: "if you did it well enough then they won't suspect a thing."

Y/n: "Nancy is freaking out, everyone is gonna hate me."

Eddie: "just give them some time. if you want you can stay with me for a few days."

Y/n: "your not scared of me?"

Eddie: "me scared of you? definitely not. you wouldn't hurt me."

he kisses my shoulder and lifts me off the floor and tells me to change, he turns around and I quickly change and get ready. we both leave the bathroom and head to the living room where everyone is still sitting. Eddie sits down and pulls me into his lap. I cuddle into his arms with my head in his shoulder.

Steve: "she okay?"

Eddie: "not really. she keeps calling herself a murderer."

Dustin: "hypothetically speaking she kind of is-"

Robin: "Dustin! not the time."

Max: "Y/n.. I still look at you like an older sister, I was just shocked is all."

Y/n: "still? you don't hate me?"

Steve: "we can't just hate you y/n"

Nancy: "I still can't believe you killed someone Y/n, that is huge!"

Steve: "okay enough! Nancy don't tell me you wouldn't kill someone for Jonathan."

Nancy: "I wouldn't!"

Eddie: "even if they were trying to kill him?"

Nancy: "okay.. maybe?"

Robin: "exactly. that's all Y/n did. Jason wanted Eddie dead or in jail so Y/n went after Jason."

Nancy: "okay.. still wrong though."

Y/n: "of course its wrong and I know that. just don't look at me like some sort of monster."

Nancy: "Y/n.. I would never call you a monster. I'm just lost for words and i'm disbelief."

Y/n: "if you don't want me here, I can stay with Eddie."

Nancy: "no it's okay.. you can stay at the house. if cops come here though then i'm telling them the truth, got it?"

Y/n: "fine.. only if they show up though!"

I move my head off of Eddie's shoulder and look around the room at everyone. they all seem okay, I guess this didn't change much if not anything. I get off Eddie's lap which makes him a bit upset. I go sit near Max and Robin.

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