Halloween party

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It has been a few days since the whole thing with Max had happened. we told her to always have her headphones with her just to be safe. She was really shaken up after that, it hit me straight in the heart when she was crying in my arms. she keeps to herself a lot now so it was definitely hard to see. we decided to take a break from the Vecna Curse situation and go to a party being held later tonight in another town so that Eddie can go out and have a bit of fun as well. Mike actually ended up going with Will and Jonathan to Nevada. Something about that's the area the vehicle was heading when Eleven was taken.

Its about Five at night currently and us girls are all in Nancy's room talking and getting ready for the party. the theme is Halloween so we are all wearing costumes which we are helping each other pick what to wear.

Max: "Ghostface or Jason?"

Robin: "Ghostface for sure"

Y/n: "I agree, Ghostface is better."

Max grabs her costume and goes to the bathroom to change into it, she comes out with the mask in her hand and sits on the bed. she said she will put the mask on once we head there.

Robin: "I might do a pirate or something"

Nancy: "honestly, do it. your hard to choose a costume for so that just makes it easier"

Y/n: "finding a costume with the style you have would be difficult"

Robin: "okay that's a fair point"

Robin grabs hers and goes to change, she comes back out and is already starting in with a pirate impersonation cause that's just how she is, she sits on the bed next to Max.

Max: "what are your options y/n?"

Y/n: "A cheerleader or a black cat"

Robin: "now hear me out.. what if you mix them?"

Nancy: "that could be interesting"

Y/n: "how would I mix the two?"

"maybe wear the cheer top and skirt, then wear black fishnets, the black tail and then the black ears. mixing them isn't actually a bad idea. you should do it" Max says.

I grab all the items Max had said and go into the bathroom to change. I walk out and everyone's mouths are practically on the floor.

"holy shit" Robin says looking me up and down.

"well your gonna attract people left and right tonight" Max laughs.

"It looks very nice y/n" Nancy smiles and gets up to find hers.

Nancy had brought her options down to either a lifeguard or a dog, we tell her a lifeguard would be nice on her so she goes and changes into it. it suits her perfectly! maybe she should apply to actually be one at the pool.

Over with the guys Lucas has dressed up as a police officer, Steve had dressed up as..... a girl. he literally put a wig on and stole clothes from Robin to wear. Dustin dresses in a referee costume and Eddie chooses to dress as a vampire. The guys arrive at the party first and then the girls arrive a few minutes later.

Steve and Robin head straight for the drinks since they are allowed to drink. Lucas, Max, and Dustin all head out to the backyard where there is a movie being played on a projector. Nancy heads out towards the pool with a tiny drink. Eddie walks over to me and we share a compliment on the outfits.

"could you not decide between the two?" he asks.

"Robin suggested I mix my two costume options" I respond.

"well you look pretty nice in it either way" he leans against the counter by us.

"oh.. well thank you" I smile, a warm feeling rushing to my cheeks.

"I'm gonna grab a drink, want one?" he asks me.

"Sure!" I smile.

Eddie goes and gets us each a drink and we continue to talk, almost two hours go by and were still talking. Steve and Robin are currently mingling with a few girls. Nancy is now outside on the phone with Jonathan. Lucas, Dustin, and Max are all messing around by the pool in the back. Eddie and I have drank about six and a half drinks at this rate.

"you know , your actually kind of adorable" he says sitting next to me now on a couch.

"well your actually not so bad yourself" I smile and look at him.

My heart starts to speed up again and it feels like fire is moving through my body as we share eye contact with each other. I look down at his lips and he notices. Fuck.

"what you wanna kiss me Wheeler?" he crosses his arms and slides down onto the couch a little.

"in your dreams, I would never want that" I break the eye contact quickly.

"you sure about that? Kitten...." he chuckles.

my heart skips a beat when he uses that nickname on me. I don't know what came over me but I got up off the couch, grabbed his hand and led him into a random room upstairs. he looks down at me and plants a soft kiss on my lips and then pulls back with his hands crossed over his chest.

"what was all that about not wanting to kiss me? cause you didn't pull away from me" he smiles.

"oh shut up" I roll my eyes.

"keep that up and I'll give you something that really would make your eyes roll back" he teases.

"oh yea? then do it." I lift myself up onto a desk.

Eddie looks at me shocked for a second with how I just responded to that. I am shocked myself, I don't know where that confidence came from. he walks over to me and stops right In front of me as he pulls me a bit forward on the desk and puts both my legs on either side of him. I look away from him as I grow nervous.

"look at me." he says lifting my chin.

"we don't have to do this you know." he says.

"I know.. I want to but.." he cuts me off putting his finger on my lips to hush me.

"your nervous, I can see that." he puts his left hand resting on my thigh.

"yea... maybe we shouldn't, I'm sorry" I push him back and hop off the desk.

"that's okay, besides I would prefer us both to be sober" he says.

My cheeks have been turned completely red at this point, what he just said pretty much means he would be down for this at anytime... so it wasn't just because were drinking? was he down with it for another reason? I look at him trying to read his eyes.

"what?" he looks at me confused.

"so.. you'd be down with this anytime then?" I shift on my feet.

"course I would be" he says walking over to me.

"why?" I ask.

he puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me gently once again. he pulls away and looks into my eyes before leaning to my ear and whispering.

"cause I like you, a lot actually." he goes back to leaning on the wall.

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