An Offer is Given

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I stare at him as my eyes gloss over, my heart race speeds up slightly.

"that's all I have ever known.." I look down.

"you and your siblings act nothing like your mom" he looks at me.

"we are trying to break the cycle.." I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of his shirt I'm wearing.

"don't let her break your spirit" he stands up and walks to the table grabbing something.

all of a sudden he turns around with a clown nose on and dances around the room causing a laugh to break through from me.

"there is that laugh of yours" he smiles.

"oh my god please take that off" I cover my face as I laugh more.

he takes it off and throws it back onto the table. he sits next to me on the couch.

"you have issues Munson" I roll my eyes at him.

"there's the y/n I know" he looks down at his feet and then back at me.

"your fucking dumb" I laugh.

"oh yea I am well aware" he laughs too.

he checks the imprint on my face, it is still noticeable. he asks if the medicine helped with the sting. surprisingly it did. however.. I have to get to work. I let him know and he says he can drop me off, I agree only because I know he isn't gonna listen to me if I told him he has to stay here.

We arrive and I hop out of the car and thank him before heading inside.

"woah, what happened to you?" Steve asks walking out from the backroom.

"my mother is what happened" I sarcastically smile.

"Jesus Fuck that's really red" Robin points out the obvious.

"no shit sherlock" I roll my eyes as I go to clock in.

"why don't you just get your own place if you need out so bad?" Steve asks.

"I don't have that kind of money" I respond.

Steve looks at Robin and Robin shakes her head no at him. he walks over to me with an offer.

Steve: "if you want you could just move in with me"

y/n: "why would I move in with you?"

Robin: "that doesn't seem very rational"

Steve: "you would be away from your mother"

Robin: "that's true but she would then be living with her ex who clearly still loves her."

y/n: "See robin understands"

Robin: "although hey you can move in with me if you really want to I don't care"

y/n: "hmm... I'll think about it. may or may not take you up on that because I don't wanna be staying in the house I am in as of now"

We all chat about what's been going on lately and talk about the whole Chrissy thing. Were supposed to meet up about that tomorrow so there's that. hopefully Dustin and Max have figured it out. a couple girls walk in and Robin and I stare at Steve.

Robin: "you gonna go flirt with them or what?"

Steve: "thinking about it"

y/n: "do it! I bet you $10 they will reject you"

Steve: "oh please, I got this hold on."

Steve walks over to them and chats with two of the 5 girls there. One of them end up saying she has a boyfriend and the other tells him no. he walks back to the counter quite awkwardly he hands me $10 from his pocket.

Robin: "you suck at picking girls up"

Steve: "my charm just wasn't working that time"

y/n: "right. well Robin and I don't need a charm."

Steve: "your also girls! people will easily get on their knees for you"

Robin: "your forgetting I'm into girls and this town isn't the most welcoming with that"

y/n: "either way, you still get more girls than he can"

Robin and I talk about school while Steve stocks. I tell her that I'm thinking of quitting cheerleading since I only really joined for Chrissy. Robin thinks I should stick with it and says I'm really good at it and that it only lasts like 2-3 months so there's no point in quitting. That is true, I guess I can stick it out for the last 2 months. I will do it for Chrissy.

Robin: "I hate high school"

y/n: "same, I'm close to dropping out and getting a GED"

Steve: "well luckily for you Robin you only have these last few months."

y/n: "must be nice"

Steve: "I mean you also have like one year left y/n so I wouldn't drop out"

Robin: "anyway.. think about the offer I gave you y/n"

we finish the day and we all close up and clock out. I head back to my house and get ready for bed. I guess I won't drop out of school and I guess I will stick with cheer but only for Chrissy. I go into the bathroom to ice my face once again as it swelled up a bit. I might eventually move out, whether its out on my own or moving in with Robin I'm not sure yet. all I know for certain is I am definitely moving out because I don't wanna stay here at all and I wanna leave. I will sleep on that offer for some time before giving an answer. I head back to my bed and climb under the covers as I cuddle my white stuffed bear and fall asleep.

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