Papa lies..

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In Nevada with Eleven. she is in the rainbow room looking into a mirror, she sees her younger self. all her memories are flooding back to her. the door swings open and peter walks in. over the speaker Dr Brenner tells her to focus, she does exactly that and hears her younger self and peter talking exactly how they are right now.

Eleven: "am I in trouble?"

Peter: "no, why do you think that? your just missing out on the fun. training starts soon"

Eleven: "okay.."

Eleven looks down at the floor and Peter reassures her there is nothing to be nervous about and that she will do amazing today, he just knows it. The door swings open and Dr Brenner walks in, all the others run and line up.

Papa: "good morning children"
all children: "good morning, Papa." Papa: "how are we feeling today?" all children: "good, Papa."

He smiles and asks for number twelve to be kind and open the door, twelve does so with no issue. they all exit the room in a line following behind him.

in Nevada with Mike, Jonathan and Will. they picked up Argyle to join them on the trip. they call a number that was given to them by some agent. the issue is when they call it, it ends up being a computer. Mike says they need a hacker and the only hacker he knows lives in salt lake city in Utah.

Will: "oh my god"

Mike: "What?"

Will: "never ending story..."

Jonathan: "oh god"

Argyle: "NeverEnding Story. That scared the shit out of me"

Will: "you can't be serious Mike."

Mike: "If we take the I-15 north, we'll get there by morning"

Jonathan: "and he's being serious.."

Mike: "I know it sounds insane but Suzie saved the world last year! maybe she can save it again"

Back at the lab with Eleven and the others, Papa has started training with a machine like thing on their heads. two finishes his training and gets a piece of candy.

Papa: "now, which brave soul would like to follow that, hm?"

all the children raise their hands and say them.

Papa: "Eleven?"

Eleven looks up and Papa waves a piece of candy around, she sits in the chair. Peter puts the machine on her very gently and reminds her to just stay focused, find the energy and feel it. he smiles at her before walking away from the chair.

Eleven tries but nothing happens, the other subjects start to laugh and one of them even asks why Papa wastes so much time with her to another subject, Peter hears it and tells him to be quite. Eleven gets mad and breathes heavily.

Papa: "they're laughing at you. they think your weak, show them Eleven. show them."

Eleven concentrates and lights up the circle of lights, Papa then tells her to make it move. Eleven's breathing starts to become shaky and she stops.

Back to Nevada with Jonathan, will, Mike, and Argyle. They make it to Suzie's house after several hours. Mike knocks and some kid opens the door and fires an arrow straight at his head after asking if Suzie is here and runs away. they walk into a hectic house Argyle laughs saying this is his type of party. They continue searching the house for Suzie and continue running into kids who won't tell them where Suzie is. They spot Eden and walk over to her.

"hey Eden" argyle says.

"oh hey guys, what are you doing in Nevada?" Eden tilts her head.

"we are looking for Suzie" Mike tells her.

"oh third floor, second door on your left, oh do me a favor and shove that little shit." she respond

Argyle accidentally out loud says that he would do anything for her, she laughs and walks away.

they walk into Suzie's room and they hear someone on the roof so they go to check, Suzie is there fixing things. she asks who the hell they are and they explain that they are Dustin's friends and that that they need a favor. she ends up having to use her father's computer to search the location of where Eleven could possibly be due to her being grounded over changing Dustin's school grades.

Back at the lab with Eleven and the others. Peter and Eleven are in front of a game where you let the chip fall and its lands into slots.

"determined are we? you know, you remind me of someone. someone I used to know really well." He looks at Eleven.

Peter: "can you guess who it is?"

Eleven looks at him and shakes her head no, he takes the chip from her hand and places it in the number one spot on the board.

Eleven: "One?"

Peter shakes his head yes.

Eleven: "but Papa said he doesn't-"

Peter: "exist? I know."

Eleven looks up at the camera, Peter leans over to her and asks if he can tell her a secret. Eleven nods. he tells her sometimes Papa doesn't tell the truth and that he spent years with One right here in this very room the yare in.

Eleven: "where is he?"

Peter: "maybe we'll save that story for another day. it doesn't have a happy ending I'm afraid. but he was like you. everything was hard for him. then, out of nowhere, he walked into here and it was like something had changed. I asked him what's different and he said.. he had figured it out. he had found his strength in the memory from his past. something that made him sad, but also angry. do you.. maybe have a memory like that?"

Eleven looks at him majorly confused.

Peter: "do you remember the day a strange women came to see you? this would have been when eight was still here. the women, she was calling a name to you. that was your mother."

Eleven breathes shakily and tells him Mama is dead and that she died making her.

Peter: "and who told you that?"

Eleven: "Papa"

Peter raises his eyebrows at her and gives her a side eye until she realizes.

Eleven: "who doesn't always tell the truth..."

Peter: "this place and the people here are not what you think."

Papa walks in and calls for the children. Eleven and Peter stand up and Eleven joins the line. Papa says there is something special planned today and has seventeen open the door. when he exits he stares at Peter for some time.

Eleven is taken to a small container with water in it. she is put in it with something to cover her eyes and floats inside it.

Dr Owens: "we should've just told her the truth."

Papa: "and risk everything? no. she'll find out soon enough."

after awhile Eleven is put back into the rainbow room and decides to explore the halls, she hears screams coming from a room so she goes to take a look. someone is being electrocuted by two men in all white and Papa is just watching. they turn around and she quickly hides behind a wall. when they drag the person who was electrocuted out Eleven peaks around the corner and see's Peter, they were electrocuting peter.

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