The Lake Incident

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I choose my seat and grab a pencil and notebook to get ready for note taking. A girl with black curly hair sits next to me. The teacher walks in and starts the lecture. They ask a whole bunch of questions that I am not paying any attention to honestly. I'm just fidgeting with my pencil and twirling it between my thumbs. The teacher hands out a worksheet for everyone to complete before the end of class.

"hey, can I borrow a pencil?" the girl next to me asks.

"sure, here you go" I hand her a pencil from my bag and continue my work.

within 15 minutes I turn in my worksheet to the teacher who looks it over carefully. They look at me with a worried look. They slide it back to me shaking their head and point to one of the problems. I go back to my desk and fix it quickly before turning it back in. I walk back to my desk.

"if you have finished please turn it in. If you have not then you have 10 minutes to do so or else it will become homework for you." the teacher announces to the class.

by the time the bell rings almost everyone has turned in their work except a few, I notice Eddie was one of the few who didn't turn it in. the girl who borrowed my pencil gave it back before leaving. I put it in my bag along with my notebook and head to the cafeteria. I walk over to the table Dustin and Mike are at.

"anyone see Chrissy today?" I ask.

"she is with Jason, like usual." Mike points out.

I walk over to Chrissy and Jason for a quick minute. Jason stares at me and looks me up and down before smirking.

Y/N: "stop being a creep oh my god."

Jason: "how am I being a creep?"

Chrissy: "your literally checking her out."

Jason: "so? that an issue?"

Y/N: "yes, keep your eyes to yourself"

Jason: "that's hard when there are girls wearing skirts everywhere"

Chrissy: "why do we talk to you again?"

Y/N: "I'm asking the same thing you are."

Jason: "wow, rude."

I turn around and walk back over to the hellfire table and sit down next to Dustin who is eating a sandwich for lunch.

Mike: "Y/N you should come to a dnd campaign"

Y/N: "why?"

Mike: "you might enjoy it plus Erica wants you to watch one"

Y/N: "I'll pass. that stuff isn't in my interest"

Eddie looks up from eating his food and stares at me for a second. He grabs a pencil and starts working on a worksheet but keeps erasing things.

"you good Munson?" I ask out of curiosity.

"mhm" he replies.

"okay" I end the conversation.

Jason sneaks up behind me and screams in my ear, making me fall out of my seat and straight onto the floor. I get up quite fast and spin around to look at him and a few others laughing.

"you asshole" I playfully joke with him.

"you coming with the team?" he asks.

"coming where?" I pause confused.

"were going to the lake to drink, smoke, swim, and party." he tells me.

"hmm sure" I grab my bag.

"Y/N?" Mike grabs my arm.

"what is it Mike?" he looks at me worried.

"don't go. who knows what will happen." he tries convincing me.

"I will be fine Mike." I walk out of the school with the team.

We all get into cars and head to the lake that's 30 minutes away from the school. Once we arrive everyone gets out and gets into swim clothes, gets the drinks out, and turns on music. Chrissy walks over to me with her arms crossed. She looks a little out of place here.

"you ok?" I ask while grabbing her arm.

"oh yea. just not my thing." she sits next to me.

"oh fair. I'm just gonna swim honestly. not really my thing either." I smile.

"wanna swim together?" she asks, I nod.

We both hop off the bench and run into the lake. Everyone follows, some drunk, some not. Some high, some not. Chrissy and I look at each other and we start splashing each other with water repeatedly causing us to laugh uncontrollably. This is fun, like really fun. Jason swims over and picks Chrissy up and throws her back into the lake.

We all get out of the lake after an hour of fun, we are all cold and soaked. One of the guys start a bonfire so everyone can warm up. Chrissy and I sit next to each other of course. All of a sudden there was a loud bang and everyone jumps up and turns around to my brother and his friends holding fireworks and other things.

"oh my god you just scared the shit out of us." Chrissy laughs and sits back down.

"why are the freaks here?" Jason walks over to us.

"yea.. why are you guys here?" I ask.

"your brother wanted to follow you." Eddie looks at Mike slightly irritated..

"seriously Mike? I am fine ok." I yell.

"I just don't trust them." Mike looks at Jason.

"what's your problem kid." Jason walks closer to Mike.

"you. You're a douchebag." Mike crosses his arms.

Jason stares at Mike for quite a while in awkward silence. I look at Chrissy and she looks at me. this isn't gonna be good is it. Jason grabs Mike's collar and lifts him off the ground with one hand. He puts his other hand to Mike's face threatening him.

"do it asshole." Mike says with his feet dangling.

Jason Punches Mike right in front of me repeatedly. there is blood dripping from his fists as he continues to punch him. Chrissy and I scream for him to stop but he won't. He just keeps on going while Mike continues to shriek in pain. I go to grab a bat from one of the cars and start walking back, I get almost 2 feet away when Eddie drops his stuff and walks over to Jason.

"turn around asshole." He cracks his knuckles.

Jason turns around and faces Eddie.

"what freak" he looks right at Eddie.

Eddie punches him straight in the face, blood coming off his fist as well. He continues until Jason is on the floor huddled into a ball. when he backs away I look at Jason who has a bloody face and ring imprints on his face.

"Mike! are you okay?" I run over to him dropping my bat.

"I'm alright. I told you he was a douche." he looks at me.

"I've known. you shouldn't have come here." I hug mike.

I look at Eddie and scoff showing him my annoyance with him at this point. I could have handled Jason myself, I was coming back with a bat. I was literally almost right behind him but no. Munson had to jump in. I get up and help Mike onto his feet.

"fuck you Jason" I hit him with the bat once before walking away.

We all head home and I help Mike out with bandaging himself. I apologize to him for what Jason had done because I know if I had just stopped hanging out with him then this wouldn't have happened. Why did mike even follow us? he should have left it alone. Once my whole family is asleep I leave the house and go sit at the park 10 minutes away. It's dark and peaceful, I sit on a swing and relax for a bit.

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