The shower session

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Warning: sex scene once again. Only recommend if your 16+ so be warned. if you are under that and decide to read it anyway and end up not liking it or something. that's on you, you have been warned. continue with caution.

I wake up at two in the morning to see Eddie sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

Y/n: "Eddie? what's going on?"

Eddie: "shit I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. go back to bed sweetheart."

I hear the shakiness in his words even though he tries his best to hide it. I know he isn't gonna open up to me right away so I move behind him and slowly start rubbing his back. he lifts his head and turns around to look at me, he has tears running down his face and he's trembling.

Y/n: "Love? what's the matter?"

Eddie: "nothing I'm fine. please go back to bed."

Y/n: "don't hide from me, please. let me help."

Eddie looks away rubbing his palms together for a bit.

Eddie: "I had a nightmare.."

Y/n: "about..?"

Eddie: "I lost control and drained your blood.. I killed you."

Y/n: "but you didn't.. it was just a dream, I'm right here."

Eddie: "but what if it turns real?"

Y/n: "it won't, I promise."

Eddie: "how can you be so sure? I love you so much and I don't wanna risk you getting hurt."

Y/n: "that's why I am so sure. you love me to much to hurt me."

I pull him towards me into a tight hug, he hovers his hands around y waist as he tries not to touch me. I stop hugging him and wipe his tears away before we both climb back into bed. he moves closer to me and rests his head on my chest, I run my hand through his hair to reassure him of everything. he hesitates to touch me even the slightest as his hands hover once again.

Y/n: "it's okay, your not gonna hurt me."

he slowly wraps his arms around my waist and lifts his head up to look me in the eyes to make sure he isn't hurting me. I reassure him that I am okay, he smiles a little bit and I go to give him a soft kiss. he lays back down on me and I can feel his heart beat slowing down which is good, he's calming down. I stay up and continue to run my hand through his hair and rub his back with the other until he has completely fallen asleep, then I drift off as well.

I wake up first and slowly get out of bed. I look back at the bed to see that Eddie is still asleep so I decide to grab his guitar from my closet and go to sit down in my pajamas and play a song. I end up deciding on "I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner." as I softly strum each chord Eddie starts to wake up and climb out of bed. he stumbles his way over to me as he is still waking up.

Eddie: "you still have that?"

Y/n: "of course.. Dustin grabbed it before we left the upside down and gave it to me."

Eddie: "well your getting much better."

Y/n: "well your a good teacher. anyway we should shower before getting ready for today."

Eddie: "ugh fine"

I walk over to my dresser and grab some new clothes and then start walking towards the bedroom door to head out into the hall. Eddie sits on the bed and grabs a magazine to look at.

Y/n: "you coming?"

Eddie: "wait.. what?"

Y/n: "were going to shower? like I said earlier."

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